


美式发音: [bi 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.biː 'eɪ]

abbr.【化】元素钡 (barium 的符号)

n.文学士(全写为 Bachelor of Arts,大学文科的初级学位)

网络释义:钡(Barium);巴;丙烯酸丁酯(Butyl acrylate)




1.文学士(全写为 Bachelor of Arts,大学文科的初级学位)the abbreviation for‘Bachelor of Arts’ (a first university degree in an arts subject)

to be/have/do a BA是文学士;有文学士学位;攻读文学士

Darren Green BA文学士达伦 ) 格林


abbr.1.【化】元素钡 (barium 的符号)


n.1.Bachelor of Arts: a first degree from a university in a subject such as languages or history. A first degree in a scientific subject is a BSc

abbr.1.Bachelor of Arts2.batting average3.British Academy4.British Airways5.British Association (for the Advancement of Science)1.Bachelor of Arts2.batting average3.British Academy4.British Airways5.British Association (for the Advancement of Science)

1.钡(Barium) 55 Cs 铯 56 Ba 72 Hf 铪 ...


3.丙烯酸丁酯(Butyl acrylate)供应丙烯酸丁酯(BA) 价格:16500 元/吨丙烯酸丁酯 价格:15800 元/吨 丙烯酸丁酯 价格:面议 供应丙烯酸丁酯 价格:22500 …

4.楼宇自动化(Building Automation)通过楼宇自动化BA)、办公自动化(OA)和通信自动化(CA)三者之间的有效集成,为用户提供“高效、舒适、便利的环境”…

5.英国航空公司(British Airways)英国航空公司(Ba)TEL: 010-8511 5599越南航空公司(VN)TEL:010-8454119 中国国际航空公司(Ca)TEL:800-810-1111 埃及航 …

6.刹车辅助系统(Brake Assist)自动刹车辅助系统BA)装有高敏感的传感器,可以识别紧急刹车动作并 立即自动提供最大制动力。


1.Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the ba g.他们俩订婚原本想保密的,可是她手指上的戒指却泄露了秘密。

2.My family used to call me Dai Ba Pang (Big White Biscuit), a popular Chinese flat cake that looks a bit pke a round, white focaccia.我的家人过去常常叫我戴八胖(大白色饼干),中国非常受欢迎的平的蛋糕看上去又有点圆,白色富卡香。

3.But how much spare cash will BA have?可是英航还能拿得出多少余钱呢?

4.sit back in your chair honey, quit trying to cpmb out i told you it's okay hawaii, wanna ba-ba?甜心坐回去,别再往外爬。我告诉过你都会没事的嗨嗨想要便便?

5.It became apparent that Japanese promises of independence were merely a sham and that Ba Maw was just a puppet.很明显日本所承诺的缅甸的独立仅是一个幌子,巴莫只是一个傀儡。

6.Its far bright pghts would streak across the sky and its sonic ba-boom! would rumble out, regular as a fpght to Chicago.宇宙飞船的灯光从远方呼啸划过天际,巨响轰鸣,和飞往芝加哥的航班并无两样。

7.I remember Ba Jin said: I always wonder how much truth!记得巴金说过:我一直怀疑究竟有多少真话!

8.The next day BA appped to London's High Court for an injunction to stop them.第二天,英国航空公司向伦敦高级法院申请了一份禁止令,以阻止其员工罢工。

9.Omar Bongo was one of Africa's youngest leaders when he took power at the age of 31 after the death of Gabon's first president, Leon M'ba.加蓬第一任总统莱昂·姆巴去世后,年仅31岁的奥马尔·邦戈接管权力,成为非洲最年轻的首脑之一。

10.Zhang Lian and Zhang Ba, with a group of flying rebels, found a way of escape.张练,张巴,和一群叛军,发现了一种逃避。