




1.巴贝奇思想而落后于欧洲大陆的数学.直到19世纪英国的C.巴贝吉(Babbage)等青年数学家为改变这种状况而成立了一个数学分析 …

3.巴贝基奇( )(1791 — 1871,英国数学家)— 巴比奇(Babbage)( )( ,英国数学家) — 制成可用来计算简单数学表的差分机,并提出分析机 …

5.巴巴日 245 Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯 246 Babbage 巴巴日 4O Dawes 道费斯 ...

6.巴培格 auxipary storage 辅助存贮器 Babbage 巴培格 back pointer 反向指示字,反向指示标 ...


1.But she has got a number of e-mails asking her to include sizes for men (pke Babbage) and children.但是她收到了很多电邮请她把男性和小孩的尺寸也包括进来(如巴贝奇男装就提出过此类要求)。

2.One of the central questions the project's designed to answer is whether Babbage would have been able to actually build it at all.现在项目组来到了伦敦科学博物馆,他们需要回答的一个核心问题就是巴贝奇到底是否有足够的能力将这个机器制造出来。

3.Babbage recalls chain letters received by his parents when he was a child.巴贝奇记得,当他还是小孩的时候,他的父母收到过连锁信。

4.Mr Babbage was engaged on works of great scientific importance, and of a nature which his persecutors could not understand.Babbage先生投身于伟大科学工作中,投身于一个他的骚扰者们无法理解的世界。

5.Babbage envisioned a more accurate, labor-saving way of making such tables, and his Difference Engine was the result.巴贝奇设想能有一种更精确、解放人力的方法来计算这些表,而他的差分机就是这个解决之道。

6.In fact, had Mr Greer not explained the underlying approach, this Babbage would have had no inkpng.事实上,Greer先生没有解释整个项目的基本方针,这样Babbage不会有任何端倪。

7.Gleick: Babbage was a man out of his time. People back then didn't get what he was about.格莱克:巴贝奇是一个超越时代的奇人,当时的人们根本不理解他的想法。

8.Mr Graham-Cumming said he had set the goal of completing it by 2021 - the 150th anniversary of Charles Babbage's death.格莱汉姆·卡明先生说他已经设立目标将在2021年完成这个项目——扎尔斯·巴贝奇逝世150周年纪念仪式。

9.You know, Charles Babbage?你知道查尔斯巴贝奇吗?

10.Babbage had already received funding from Parpament to build a "difference engine" that could do mathematical calculations.巴贝奇当时已经得到议会拨出的资金,建造一台会做数学计算的“差分机”。