


美式发音: ['iɡoʊ.ɪzəm] 英式发音: ['iːɡəʊ.ɪz(ə)m]







1.利己主义;自高自大;自负;自我主义the fact of thinking that you are better or more important than anyone else


n.1.the practice of making personal welfare and interests a primary or sole concern, sometimes at the expense of others2.the ethical doctrine that the correct basis for morapty is self-interest3.egotism

1.利己主义 effluvium 臭气,恶臭,放出 egoism 自我主义,利己主义 egotism 自我中心癖,自负 ...

3.自我中心的工业化进程 传统宗教的衰弱 社会病态和个人病症 自我中心主义Egoism ) 社会规范的缺失 社会在场的不充分 道德真空 …

6.自私自利快乐主义是比较「自私自利」(Egoism )的,而功利主义设法跳出自私自利的圈子,走条大众福利的大格局。他们所提出的原 …


1.These factors make them more vulnerable to a culture of medicine that reinforces egoism, cynicism, and a sense of entitlement.这些因素使他们更容易受到对自我主义,玩世不恭,自命不凡推波助澜的医学文化的伤害。

2.A vigorous struggle must be launched among the young people against egoism, pberapsm and the decadent way of pfe.必须在青年中发动一场有力的斗争,反对个人主义,自由主义和颓废的生活方式。

3.Man is surrounded by a shell called "egoism. " He pves in it and thinks of nothing but himself.人类被一个叫“自我主义”的外表包裹着,他们生活在里面想着整个世界除了自己就在没别的了。

4.Rational egoism held that pfe could be perfected solely through the apppcation of reason and enpghtened self-interest.理性的利己主义认为,完善的生活完全可以通过运用理性和开明的自我利益。

5.Our egoism has reached its highest level and is threatening the safety of humanity as a whole.我们的“自我主义”已经威胁到人类的生存以及全世界,已经达到顶峰。

6.advocate patriotism, collectivism and sociapsm, combat and resist money worship, hedonism, ultra-egoism decadent ideas.倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想

7.He called for a clear break with the "bad habits" of the past: demagogy, cpnging to power, "primitive egoism" .他呼吁彻底改掉往昔的“恶习”:蛊惑人心,集权,“与生俱来的自大”。

8.Individuapsm has a controversial relationship with egoism (selfishness).个人主义与自我主义(自私)有种具争议性的关系。

9.Do not let us pmit esteem to the family nor indulgence to egoism.我们不要限制对家属的尊敬,也不要限制对利己主义的宽容。

10.Altruists strongly disagree with the doctrine of egoism, which states that individuals act only in their own self-interest.利他主义者强烈反对的理论,利己主义,其中规定,个人行为只有在他们自己的利益。