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1.韦恩 Warren 莫华伦 Wayne 黎耀祥 Wendy 韩毓霞 ...

3.伟恩 哥塔奥 getao 威恩 Wayne 赛蓝奇 sLanci ...

6.维恩另外在维恩WAYNE)州立大学也有同样的报告,这的确是一个很让人鼓舞的发现。哈佛大学公共卫生学院的爱德华教授细 …

7.韦恩县韦恩县Wayne)在西面与沃什特瑙县(Washtenaw)相邻,共有人口1,998,217 (99% 为城市人口,1%为农村人口,2005年 …

8.王阳王阳Wayne)(1978年3月13日—)出生于哈尔滨,中国内地演员。编辑摘要 中文名: 王阳 别名: 王洋 籍贯: 哈尔滨 出 …


1.Manchester City left-back Wayne Bridge is on the verge of signing with West Ham United after it was revealed he was in London for a medical.据悉,曼城左后卫韦恩.布里奇在伦敦接受了西汉姆联队的体检,他很快将与该队签约。

2.He began reading American novels and immersed himself in John Wayne films.他开始阅读美国小说,入迷观看约翰.韦恩的电影。

3.Wayne Swan, the federal treasurer, made it clear in a speech on Friday that this was not the case.澳大利亚财长韦恩•斯旺(WayneSwan)上周五在一次讲话中明确表示,情况并非如此。

4.Wayne Rooney was terrific for Man United and with more support up front for him, he might have given Chelsea more problem.鲁尼表现的非常好,如果能得到中场更多的支持,他会对切尔西造成更大的威胁。

5." Wayne Rooney is ready to become the greatest player England has produced, " said Gary Lineker, the former England Captain.“韦恩·鲁尼已经准备好成为英格兰历史上最伟大的球员,”前英格兰队队长加里·莱因克尔这样说道。

6.I said to the boy that the door is always open and I'm depghted Wayne has agreed to stay.我说了,曼联的大门会一直向这个大男孩敞开,很高兴他决定留下来。

7.It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.韦恩严重打击了观众。那部电影就是条件反射的产物,来源于他对越战部队的消极的形象的感受。

8.There's definitely something going on with Wayne Rooney and maybe this is the creative way of trying to get him back to what he was.韦恩-鲁尼肯定遇到了什么麻烦,或许现在这个办法是让他找回自己的最好途径了。

9.Penalty "Overall, he made (Wayne) Rooney miss a penalty, made a crucial save from Anderson and you cannot fault him on the goal. "点球“总之,他让鲁尼把点球提到太空去了,冷静地救出了安德森的黄金机会,你没法通过他的失误进球。”

10.Wayne Bridge has set his stall out to be a regular starter in the new season, but is unsure of his long-term future.维恩。布里奇已经为新赛季能够首发打的上比赛提出勒转会申请,的未来却不太明朗。