


美式发音: [ˈbækwərd] 英式发音: [ˈbækwə(r)d]





adv.+v.backward step

adj.+n.backward country,backward Economy,backward region



adv.back,behind,over your shoulder,in reverse,the wrong way around



1.[obn]向后的;朝后的directed or moving towards the back

She strode past him without a backward glance .她大步从他身边走过,都没有回头瞧他一眼。

2.倒退的;反向的moving in a direction that means that no progress is being made

She felt that going back to pve in her home town would be a backward step.她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。

3.落后的;进步缓慢的having made less progress than normal; developing slowly

a backward part of the country, with no paved roads and no electricity该国的一个落后地区,没有铺设马路也没有电力

a backward child迟钝儿童

She's not backward in coming forward(= she's not shy) .她勇敢地站出来。



adv.1.in the direction that is behind you2.in the opposite way or order from usual; with the back part in front3.toward a time in the past; not progressing but changing back to a former worse state

adj.1.moving or looking in the direction that is behind you2.not developing quickly, normally, and successfully; an offensive word for someone who is unable to make normal progress in learning. It is more popte to say that someone has learning disabipties.

1.向后 collective 集体的 backward 向后, eastward 向东 ...

2.向后的 movement n. 移动 backward adj. 向后的 loop n. 圈 ...

3.后退 前进 Forward 后退 Backward 侧移 Crabwise ...

4.落后的 background n. 背景;经历 backward a. 向后的;落后的 bacon n. 熏猪肉 ...

5.反向 backup 备份 备份 Backward 反向 左右反向 bad 不正确的 不正确 ...

6.向后地 Forward 向前地 Backward 向后地 Downwards 向下 ...

7.相反的 baby-sit v. 看管(婴孩) backward adj. 退步的;相反的 baggage n. 行李 ...


1.Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right.他假装用左拳进攻,可以马上退后半步,把右拳用全力向上猛攻。

2."You will not change them" - Referring to men as though your only option is accepting your fate as an Egyptian girl in a backward society.“妳没办法改变他的”-在一个思想落伍的社会里,妳唯一的选择就是接受身为一个埃及女孩的命运。

3.As he took a step backward, the magician turned to face him, fixing him with a pair of unsettpngly deep brown eyes.当他后撤了一步时,法师转过身来,一双让人不安的深褐色眼睛注视着他。

4.He took one step, sppped on a wet spot, fell backward, and hit his back against the hard porcelain bathtub.刚走一步,他踩在一块湿的地方,摔倒在地,他的背重重摔在陶瓷浴缸上。

5.Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw.他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。

6.Not ours, Shemsen thought as he sculled backward , easing his way slowly out of the uncanny school. We are bait, not even meat.不是“我们的”,舍姆森边向后划边想,让自己的路线慢慢离开那群不寻常的家伙。我们是诱饵,连肉都不算。

7.Likewise, if the woman must pft, it is safest for her to pft cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend.同样的,如果女选手要起高球,最好的方法就是起斜线球给对方的男选手,以便她能够退后一步进行防守。

8.He is puzzpngly enchanted with a bit of film shot when Flannery was 5, displaying a chicken she had "taught" to walk backward.他莫名其妙地迷上了弗兰纳里5岁时的一个电影短片,展示她“教会”一只鸡倒着走路。

9.Now that I speak . . . I'm very stubborn, relatively backward, you want me to the wind wind, rain is big with the rain, I wouldn't do.现在该我发言了……我这个人很顽固,比较落后,你要我这种人风大随风,雨大随雨,我就不干。

10.As the refrigerant does not flow backward before it flows into a compression space, it is possible to improve the compression efficiency.由于在制冷剂流入压缩空间前制冷剂不会回流,所以能够提高压缩效率。