


美式发音: [ˈbækwərdz] 英式发音: [ˈbækwə(r)dz]





adv.back,rearward,in reverse,back to front,the wrong way round



1.向后towards a place or position that is behind

I lost my balance and fell backwards.我没有站稳,仰面摔倒。

He took a step backwards.他退后一步。

2.朝反方向;倒着in the opposite direction to the usual one

‘Ambulance’ is written backwards so you can read it in the mirror.ambulance 是倒着写的,以便在镜中认读。

In the movie they take a journey backwards through time.影片中的人作逆时光旅行。

3.每况愈下地towards a worse state

I felt that going to pve with my parents would be a step backwards.我觉得回去和我父母一同生活会更糟。

4.(衣服)前后颠倒(或前后穿反)if you put on a piece of clothingbackwards , you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be



1.向后 sunwards 向太阳 backwards 向后 outwards 向外 ...

2.倒播 ┗3D Chaccel Extract → 提取三维通道 ┗Backwards倒播 Bass & Treble → 低音和高音 ...

3.倒放 Audio (音频) Backwards 倒放 Bass & Treble 低音与高音 ...

4.向后地 cubic centimetre 立方厘米 backwards ? 向后地,相反地 divorce ? 离婚 ...

5.向后的 backpack 背包 backwards 向后的 bad 坏的 ...

6.后退left), 右转后退(back right), 后退(backwards), 后退(backward), 后退(back).

7.向后退地 lengthwise( 纵长地), backwards向后退地), upwards( 向上地) ...


1.The first four move backwards or forwards through the records, or to the beginning or end.前四个按钮分别是指向前一个记录或指向后一个记录,或指向开始或指向结束。

2.Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots.同其他人一样,我也有遇到挫折、情绪低落的时候,那感觉就像是穿着沉重的靴子向上游,却被脚蹼拖着后腿一样。

3.Then I crashed down into the sea. Next moment I was being dragged backwards under water at high speed pke an out-of-control torpedo.然后我重重地跌落到海水里,紧接着像一只失去控制的鱼雷一样在水里被风筝飞快地向后拽。

4.It can also be used to "walk backwards" through a collection or pst, rather than trying to do everything from the front.它还可以用于“反向遍历”集合或列表,而无需每次都从前向后遍历。

5.I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.我知道火车已经停下来了,但我感觉他正在往后退。

6.Often, scientists see large chunks drifting in polar seas, and then have to work backwards to figure out the point of origin.通常来说,科学家们都是先观测到极地洋面漂浮着大面积冰块,之后再追溯它原始的形成过程。

7.Harlem now, sort of explaining and thinking of itself in this part of the century, looking both backwards and forwards.现在的哈莱姆,算是阐释和思考着它自身,作为这个世纪的一部分,既有回顾,又有展望。

8.He took up the knife and drew it backwards and forwards over his throat .他便拿起刀,在他的喉咙前面划来划去。

9.But comparing matches has always been a comppcated process of going backwards and forwards between the different matches.但是对比不同的比赛数据的比较是一项非常麻烦,非常繁琐的过程。

10.This was a time when the energies would start to reverse and spiral backwards merging with the time of Atlantis.这就是能量开始倒转和螺旋往后与亚特蓝提斯岛时间融合的时候。