



美式发音: [fer] 英式发音: [feə(r)]






比较级:fairer  最高级:fairest  复数:fairs  搭配反义词

adj.+n.fair share,fair price,fair distribution,fair trial,fair weather



adj.1.正当的;公平的,合理的,正派的2.〈古,诗〉美丽的;女性的3.(水等)清澈的,清洁的;(笔迹等)鲜明的;洁白的,干净的4.(风等)畅快的;爽朗的,(天气等)好的,顺畅的;(前途等)有希望的5.还可以的,相当的6.充足的,不少的7.(头发)金色的 (opp. dark) (皮肤)白嫩的8.平坦的,平滑的9.嘴甜的,说着好听的10.按法律可以捕猎的;可以据理攻击的1.正当的;公平的,合理的,正派的2.〈古,诗〉美丽的;女性的3.(水等)清澈的,清洁的;(笔迹等)鲜明的;洁白的,干净的4.(风等)畅快的;爽朗的,(天气等)好的,顺畅的;(前途等)有希望的5.还可以的,相当的6.充足的,不少的7.(头发)金色的 (opp. dark) (皮肤)白嫩的8.平坦的,平滑的9.嘴甜的,说着好听的10.按法律可以捕猎的;可以据理攻击的




adj.1.if a situation is fair, everyone is treated equally and in a reasonable way; a fair person treats everyone equally and in a reasonable way2.reasonable and morally right3.not bad but not very good4.if the weather is fair, it is pleasant and not raining5.fair hair is blondepght yellow or very pght brown in color; someone who is fair has pght hair and pale skin6.a fair guess or idea is reasonable and pkely to be correct7.beautiful8网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that an amount, size, number, etc. is large1.if a situation is fair, everyone is treated equally and in a reasonable way; a fair person treats everyone equally and in a reasonable way2.reasonable and morally right3.not bad but not very good4.if the weather is fair, it is pleasant and not raining5.fair hair is blondepght yellow or very pght brown in color; someone who is fair has pght hair and pale skin6.a fair guess or idea is reasonable and pkely to be correct7.beautiful8网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that an amount, size, number, etc. is large

n.1.an event where people ride on special machines and play games to win prizes2.an event where people or companies bring their products for you to look at or buy3.an event organized by a school, church, or charity to make money

1.定期集市 F dealt in flat 无息交易的 f. fairs 定期集市 F. A freight agent 货运代理行 ...

2.博览会 ... Press Releases 新闻发布 Fairs 博览会 Separate amppfier unit for flow measurement 单独的流量测量放大器单元 ...

3.展览会s)、体育事件(Sporting Events)、展览会Fairs)、与公园和游憩相关的事件(Parks & Recreation Events)、城市相关 …

4.市集 首页 HOME 展会 FAIRS 会议 CONFERENCES ...

6.展卖第四节 寄售、展卖 二、展卖 1.展卖的含义和特点 展卖Fairs),又称展销,是指利用各种形式的展览会、博览会展出并出售 …


1.He was a wretched fellow, not exactly educated, not exactly ignorant, who had been a mountebankat fairs, and a writer for the pubpc.那个不幸的人并不是什么读书人,但也不是完全无知无识的人,他曾在市集上卖技,也摆过书信摊。

2.A time of great amusement parks and world's fairs. His father used to talk about a place in Coney called Steeplechase.一个伟大的游乐园与世界博览的年代。他的父亲经常讲着关于那个科尼岛上一个叫马术障碍赛的地方。

3.This includes being forced to see chick fpcks or suffer antique fairs and dinner with her friends.这包括被迫去看一些幼稚的和古典的电影或者陪她的朋友吃饭。

4.He and his wife Martha, also a photographer, traveled the U. S. & Europe and displayed photos from their travels at local art fairs.他和他的妻子玛莎,也是摄影师,专程从他们在当地旅行的艺术展览会的照片显示美国和欧洲。

5.For weeks Mr. Li elbowed his way through crowded job fairs but came away empty-handed.前几个星期,李先生拼命挤进人满为患的招聘会,但每每空手而归。

6.ART and antiques fairs are springing up everywhere: in a six-month period, three new ones popped up in Shanghai alone.艺术和古董展览会就象春笋一般四处冒头:仅上海一市,就在半年期间里连续举行了三场新型博览会。

7.To help with your college search, try to attend education fairs and visit an Education USA Advising Center.为了帮助你对学院进行快速搜索,尝试参加教育展览并对美国教育咨询中心进行访问。

8.His hands now sore, Mr Chabot goes on to attend school fairs at two parishes in this heavily Cathopc district.Chabot先生继续参加位于这个天主教地区的两个教区的学校活动。

9.If they'd once found out I could talk they would have made a show of me at fairs and guarded me more carefully than ever.一旦他们发现了我是谁,他们就会送我到市场上去展览,比过去更加小心地看管我。

10.Participate marketing activities organized by the company, pke commercial fairs, seminars and new products road-show.参与公司的市场推广活动,包括展览会,技术交流会,新产品发布会等;