




1.山崎 玛丽 MARY 山崎龙二 YAMAZAKI 比利 BILLY ...


5.山崎酒店 ... 京都宇多野青年旅舍( Kyoto Utano Youth Hostel) 山崎酒店( Yamazaki) 京都小山宾馆( Oyama Guest House Kyot…

6.山崎公司·日本 ... YAM Yet Another Modem 另类调制解调器 Yamazaki 山崎公司·日本 YB Year Book 年鉴 ...

7.山崎郊区在这里的山崎郊区(Yamazaki),酒吧的精致已经达到了罕见的高度,其沉思内省的风格似乎是对当地威士忌不自觉的搭配和补 …


1.The real discovery for me, though, were the performances Yamazaki drew from his young actors, particularly star Kenta Suga.对我来说真正的发现,虽然,他们的表演吸引了来自山崎他的年轻演员,特别是明星健太菅。

2.Prosecutors accuse Japan Yamazaki guilty of "professional negpgence crime" , asked the court to three years in prison.日本检方指控山崎犯有“业务过失罪”,要求法庭判处三年徒刑。

3.Newly installed urinals at Yamazaki Elementary School, Tokyo.位于东京都的山崎小学的新厕所。

4.A Yamazaki machine normally sells for several hundred thousand dollars.一台山崎马扎克机器通常能卖数十万美元。

5.Yamazaki opened its first foreign plant, in Kentucky in the US, in 1974.山崎马扎克于1974年首次在国外办厂,地点是在美国肯塔基州。

6.That thinking is why Yamazaki's Worcester factory has just in the past year invested $16m expanding its output by 25 per cent.正由于这种想法,山崎马扎克的英国伍斯特工厂去年刚投资了1600万美元,将产能扩大了25%。

7.Yamazaki , Blue Mary Not much different from their last games .玛丽,山崎龙二基本上和他们上次出场一样。

8."If you look at manufacturing industry in Japan, it's quite busy, " says Mr Yamazaki.山崎智久表示:“如果你看看日本的制造业,就会知道它们非常繁忙。”