




1.八达岭长城 ... Tibet( 西藏) Badapng八达岭长城) Mutianyu( 慕田峪长城) ...

2.延庆县此小旅馆位於延庆县 (Badapng),邻近中国万里长城。更多 搜寻 Expedia 不收取取消费用 预订、更改或取消几乎任何酒店均无 …

3.长城饭店位於延庆县北京长城饭店位於延庆县 (Badapng),邻近中国万里长城。


1.There's a museum about him in Badapng.有一个在八达岭纪念他博物馆。

2.The Badapng Great Wall is a great ancient Chinese defenses to a section of the Great Wall, the Great Wall is a mountain.八达岭长城是中国古代伟大的防御工程万里长城的一部分,是明长城的一个隘口。

3.And the Badapng Great Wall is the most representative one of the Great Wall. On the peak of the Badapng, the Great Wall is towering.其中八达岭长城是最具有代表性的一段长城。这段长城位于八达岭之上,看起来高耸入云。

4.Li Ming and Mr. Hunt are having a talk in a car heading for Badapng. Li Ming is taking Mr. Hunt to see the Great Wall.在去八达岭的路上,李明和亨特先生坐在车中谈话。李明带亨特先生去参观长城。

5.Badapng Great Wall was the earpest part of the great Wall opened to tourists.八达岭长城是最早的一部分,长城向游客开放。

6.Badapng Great Wall Shicheng 9 Cypriots one of the world, is the essence of the Great Wall and an outstanding representative.八达岭长城史称天下九塞之一,是万里长城的精华和杰出代表。

7.Badapng is the best place to see the Great Wall snaking across the mountain ridges.八达岭是观看长城沿山脊蜿蜒行走最好的地方。

8.chinese tourists rest at a lookout point next to a toilet at the great wall of china at badapng , north of beijing.在北京北方的八达岭长城,一群中国观光客于厕所旁的了望台休息。

9.Far from the noisy city, the world famous Badapng will bring you to the world of fairyland, a snow-white and crystal clear world!远离了城市的尘嚣纷扰,驰名中外的八达岭将您带入一个银装素裹、莹剔透的人间仙境!

10.The badapng geographical environment, since the ancient times is the way to shanxi, Inner Mongopa, and of zhangjiakou hubs.八达岭地理环境优越,自古以来就是通往山西、内蒙、张家口的交通要道。