



美式发音: [bædʒ] 英式发音: [bædʒ]


abbr.〈美(=Base Air Defense Ground Environment)【空】基地防空地面警备系统


复数:badges  同义词




abbr.1.【空】〈美〉(=Base Air Defense Ground Environment)基地防空地面警备系统

n.1.a special piece of metal, cloth, or plastic, often with words or symbols on it, that you wear or carry with you to show your rank or official position; a similar object that shows that you have achieved something2.a button that shows that you support a particular group or idea

abbr.1.[Air Force]<AmE>(=Base Air Defense Ground Environment)

1.徽章 标签 / Labels 标记 / Badges 排版组件和主角单元 / Page headers and hero unit ...

3.奖章 配件道具— Other Accessor 小徽章Badges 走迷宫— A Big Maze ...

6.证章 disturb vt. 弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰乱v.扰乱 badges n. 徽章, 证章 slouch v. 懒散 ...

7.胸章 ... 8. Cosmetic Mirror【 化妆镜】-----> #16 9. Badges胸章】 -----> #17 10. Calendar【 年历】 -----> #18 ...

8.徽章证章 手环系列/ Wrist.. 徽章证章/ Badges 开瓶器/ Opener ...


1.Badges are usually given out at a security office near the front door of the office building.通常在办公大楼前门的保卫处负责发放标牌。

2.Members of the US 14th Army Air Force continued to wear the "Flying Tiger" badges on their shoulders and were better known as Flying Tigers.所有第十四航空队的成员在他们的衣服上都有“飞虎”的臂章,所以也叫飞虎队。

3.Eventually, Mr. Crowley said, he would pke to work with businesses on sponsored badges.克罗雷说最终他们将与企业在“赞助奖章”上合作。

4.Alongside the usual badges, hats, flags and placards, you could get your picture taken and superimposed on to a picture of him.除了常见的徽章、帽子、旗帜和布告,你还可以现场拍照,再印在奥巴马的照片上。

5.Al Bedwell : No, the manufacturers are trying to make them exciting by giving them, you know, eco badges such as eco-netic or eco-flex.阿尔·贝德韦尔:不,制造商正试图通过给他们生态标志而让他们兴奋,如生态遗传或生态伸缩。

6.You can track how much money you've raised on Endorse for a Cause's personal home page and earn badges for participation.你可以在此网站的个人主页上查看你筹集的资金数量,还可以通过参与来获得纪念章。

7.And these badges are very lovely, for instance much A dream, should be in of his birthday sign in just can be obtained that day.而且这些徽章很可爱,比如多啦A梦,要在他生日的那天签到才可获得。

8.Some of these hot badges are used in a process known as "homologation" .某些“靓标”是一个被称为“官方认可”的过程中的产物。

9.Students should dress up in school uniforms, while other group visitors should wear group badges for ease of identification.学生应穿著整校服,而团体的参观者亦请配戴印有组织名称的名牌,以资识别;

10.At the front, fighters now carry paper badges in plastic spps that pst their name, number, and "brigade" .在前线,战士们带着贴在塑料片上的纸质徽章,上面写着姓名,号码以及“分队”名称。