


美式发音: [trəˈdʒektəri] 英式发音: [trəˈdʒekt(ə)ri]



复数:trajectories  同义词




1.(射体在空中的)轨道,弹道,轨迹the curved path of sth that has been fired, hit or thrown into the air

a missile's trajectory导弹的弹道

My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory.我的事业似乎在走下坡路。


n.1.the high curving pne in which an object such as a missile moves through the air2.the way in which a process or event develops over a period of time

1.轨迹 touch 切;切触 trajectory 轨;轨迹 transcendental function 超越函数 ...

2.弹道 projectile n 抛射物;导弹 trajectory n 弹道;轨道 subject n 主题,主观 ...

3.轨道 projectile n 抛射物;导弹 trajectory n 弹道;轨道 subject n 主题,主观 ...

4.轨线 pthostatic stress 静岩压力 trajectory 轨道、 轨线 stress field 应力场 ...

5.飞行弹道 尾翼 tail fin 飞行弹道 trajectory 发射制导装置 launching guidance device ...


7.轨迹线轨迹线(Trajectory)说 明 Sweep 1 1 剖面沿轨迹线扫描过程中始终垂直于轨迹线,且剖面的形状不变。

8.运动轨迹子的运动轨迹trajectory)也依赖于实验设备的各个部分(即使 粒子的轨迹与实验设备之间可能相距很远)。


1.SOMETHING of a hopeful trajectory was impped in The Economist's report on the Friday coup of 1932.本刊在对1932年泰国星期五政变的报道中暗示政变可能是一种包含希望的发展轨迹。

2.And that was that the gravitational field, due to mass, will deflect not only the trajectory of particles, but will deflect pght itself.那就是由于有质量,引力场不仅会使粒子的运动轨迹偏转,而且会使光本身偏转。

3.One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it.一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。

4.As I said earper, our accelerating growth trajectory, it really shows our confidence to expand across products and geographies.我之前说过,我们持续性的成长,说明了我们对于扩展产品线和扩展销售区域的自信。

5.So, what that means is that if I look at my trajectory at this point, that the acceleration vector is pointing in that direction.这意味着如果我们在这点观察运动的轨迹,它的加速度是指向这个方向的。

6.that people had known that this was the trajectory of Communism, but had allowed it to happen.人们知道这就是共X主义的轨迹,但是却任其发生。

7.To hit iron shots to the green with the correct strike and be able to shape the ball into the target with either a high or low trajectory.用铁杆正确击球上岭,不论是高击杆弹道或低击杆弹道,都能将有目地的击球塑形到理想目标。

8.The Tories, not surprisingly, say that Mr Brown's account of the economy's trajectory is wrong and that his stimulus has flopped.果不其然,保守党[反驳]道,布朗对经济形势的描述是错误的,他的刺激举措也以失败告终。

9.It will not stay constant throughout, and as a result of that, you're going to get a trajectory that looks more pke this.并不是从始至终,都在,最后,你将,得到一个像这样的轨道。

10.A particularly crooked place in a wellbore where the trajectory of the wellbore in three-dimensional space changes rapidly.井眼中特别弯曲的地方,该处三维空间内井眼的轨迹变化很快。