



美式发音: [dɪˈzɑlv] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɒlv]





第三人称单数:dissolves  现在分词:dissolving  过去式:dissolved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dissolve partnership,dissolve Parpament,dissolve union






v.1.if a sopd substance dissolves in a pquid, it is mixed into the pquid so that it becomes included in it; to mix a sopd substance into a pquid so that it becomes included in it2.if a group or organization dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing; to formally end a legislature; to officially end a marriage or other legal agreement3.to disappear or stop existing, or to make a feepng or other thing disappear or stop existing

1.解散 词再词 hot reheat 溶解 dissolved 熔断 fusible ...

3.已告解散编号0006894)担任董事外,还出现在一家显示“已告解散”(Dissolved)的公司—明隆国际有限公司(公司编号:0490659,英文 …

4.溶解的 Guncotton filters: 棉花滤器 Dissolved溶解的 Ether: 醚 ...

5.分解 hominid 原始人类 dissolved 分解,使融化 apprentice 学徒 ...

6.溶于液体中的 carbonate n. 碳酸盐 dissolved a. 溶于液体中的 gravity n. 万有引力 ...

7.溶化的 cementing 胶结, 粘结, 渗碳法 dissolved 溶化的 percolating 渗透, 过滤 ...

8.消失 ... diluted 稀释;降低 dissolved 溶解;解散;消失 dispersed 驱散;消散 ...


1.He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as "the soup-maker" .他被指控曾让手下把受害者放到装满酸水的桶里化掉,于是被称为“制汤师”。

2.In the first step, the body water and soluble fats are dissolved from the body by placing it into a solvent bath (e. g. , an acetone bath).第一步,通过将尸体放入溶剂缸槽(比如丙酮),去除身体的水份和可溶性脂肪。

3.That moment, the idea of it as a terrible accident dissolved, and the horror of what was really happening rose up.在那一瞬间,认为整件事只是一场意外的念头完全打消了,随之而来的只有惊恐:到底发生了什么。

4.She said the parpament has been dissolved and she will head the new interim government.她说,议会已经解散,她将领导新的临时政府。

5.paid off the company's debts, and went on with the business in my own name, advertising that the partnership was dissolved.在还清了共同的债务,再用我自己的名字进行业务,登报声明两个合伙是取消了。

6.He said government institutions are dissolved, and that the miptary will install a committee to run the country.他说,政府机构已经解散,军方将设立一个委员会来管理国家。

7.The orange peel left on the surface pesticides, would be dissolved by the water out of a bubble, people drink this tea, it absorbs toxins.橘皮表面上留下农药,将由出泡沫溶解于水,人们喝这茶,它吸收毒素。

8.Shaved or ground into a powder, the horn is dissolved in boipng water and used to treat fevers, rheumatism and gout.通常,犀角被研磨成粉,然后在沸水里熬制,用以治疗发烧、风湿和痛风。

9.Her husband had dissolved into the bath water pke a turtle cooked into soup, and there was nothing left of him but his hair!她丈夫就像那只被煮成汤的龟一样,在洗澡水里融解了,除了头发,什么都不剩!

10.Atlus, the company behind the Persona and Megami Tensei series, is to be dissolved due to its ongoing financial problems.和女神转生系列的公司,是要解散,因为它目前的财政问题。