




1.宝贝 ... 10. Japanese Boys 日本男孩 11. Bady 宝贝 12. Cheer Baby 泣奇泣奇 ...

2.婴儿 get along 相处 bady n.婴儿;小孩 at least 至少 ...

3.刘慧 bad 好的 9. bady 身体 10 class 班级 七. ...

5.琪 ... NOBODY 宝贝 Bady Xanpme 雀少 ...

6.施小敏 ... 米宝儿 olorwang 施小敏 Bady 杨丽娜 yangpna ...

7.逼逼 ... ME 好帅噢 bady 逼逼 Devil 天使系 ...


1.Bady also joins Youth Edition in writing much of the material, and he also adds his keyboard skills to the mix.巴迪也加入以书面形式将大部分材料青春版,而且他还补充说他的键盘技巧的组合。

2.It is really. But I do not have the quapfy to say that . Forgive me . Bady! !狗狗,我想你,这是真的,但是我没有资格说这些。

3.Love You. Don't be so cruel. Bady. Bady. Let me hear you say.我爱你宝贝,请不要如此残忍,我只想听你诉说。

4.The bady was sleeping by the side of its mother.这个婴儿睡在母亲的旁边。

5.eg. Yesterday morning, she found her bady cry in the bedroom.昨天上午她发现她的孩子在卧室里哭。

6.only you change your bad diet habit and keep a regular exercise can you get a helthy bady.可通过多锻练身体保持健康,要改变不良的饮食习惯;

7.Epzabeth's bady arrived at midnight.伊丽莎白的婴儿是午夜时分降生的。

8.I want see And touch any other celestial bady.我想知道和接触任何一个天上的星球。

9.Bady do you know what it's pke to wait?宝贝,你知道什么叫做等待吗?

10.Ain't even grey, but she buries her bady伤心的无以复加但她还是埋葬了自己的孩子