


美式发音: [pɪtʃ] 英式发音: [pɪtʃ]




复数:pitches  现在分词:pitching  过去式:pitched  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sales pitch,high pitch,strong pitch

v.+n.make pitch,pitch tent,hear pitch,pitch product,throw pitch


n.playing field,field,area,arena,terrain



pitch显示所有例句n.体育运动for sport

1.[c](体育比赛的)场地;球场an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game

a football/cricket/rugby pitch足球╱板球╱橄榄球场

The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch.这次橄榄球巡回赛在场上、场下都彻底失败。

声音of sound

2.[sing][u](尤指乐音的)音高how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note

A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher.基本的韵律感和音高感是音乐教师的必备素质。


3.[sing][u](感情、活动等的)程度,力度;(事物的)最高点the degree or strength of a feepng or activity; the highest point of sth

a frenetic pitch of activity活动的狂热极点

Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.种种猜测甚嚣尘上,以至必须立即作出决定。

销售to sell sth

4.[c][ususing]推销的话;说教;宣传论点talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do sth

an aggressive sales pitch强有力的推销行话

the candidate's campaign pitch候选人的竞选宣传

Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch .每个公司有十分钟时间做推销宣传。

棒球in baseball

5.[c]投球;投球方法an act of throwing the ball; the way in which it is thrown

黑色物质black substance

6.[u]沥青;柏油a black sticky substance made from oil or coal, used on roofs or the wooden boards of a ship to stop water from coming through

街道;市场in street/market

7.[c]街头售货摊点;街头艺人表演地点a place in a street or market where sb sells things, or where a street entertainer usually performs

船;飞机of ship/aircraft

8.[u](船在水上的)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机在空中的)俯仰the movement of a ship up and down in the water or of an aircraft in the air

屋顶of roof

9.[sing][u]倾斜度the degree to which a roof slopes

IDMmake a pitch for sb/sthmake a pitch to sb决心获得;决心劝服to make a determined effort to get sth or to persuade sb of sthv.throw

1.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.用力扔;投;抛to throw sb/sth with force

The explosion pitched her violently into the air.爆炸把她猛烈地抛向空中。

The new government has already been pitched into a crisis.新政府已被抛入危机之中。

体育运动in sports

2.[i][t]~ (sth)将(球)投给击球员;投球;当投手to throw the ball to the person who is batting

3.[i][t]~ (sth) + adv./prep.触地;(使球)定点落地to hit the ground; to make the ball hit the ground

The ball pitched a yard short.球差一码落了地。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)劈高球;击高球to hit the ball in a high curve


5.[i]+ adv./prep.重跌;踉跄倒下to fall heavily in a particular direction

With a cry she pitched forward.她大叫一声向前跌倒了。

船;飞机of ship/aircraft

6.[i]纵摇;颠簸;上下飘荡to move up and down on the water or in the air

The sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled all night.大海波涛汹涌,船整夜颠簸摇晃。

定标准set level

7.[t]确定标准to set sth at a particular level

They have pitched their prices too high.他们把价格定得太高了。

The test was pitched at too low a level for the students.这次考试太低估学生的程度了。

推销try to sell

8.[t](使产品或服务)针对,面向;确定销售对象(或目标市场)to aim or direct a product or service at a particular group of people

The new software is being pitched at banks.这种新软件以银行为目标市场。

Orange juice is to be pitched as an athlete's drink.橙汁将作为运动员饮料进行推销。

9.[t][i]推销;争取支持(或生意等)to try to persuade sb to buy sth, to give you sth or to make a business deal with you

Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company's newest products.销售代表前往日本推销公司的最新产品。

We were pitching against a much larger company for the contract.我们在与一家比我们大得多的公司竞争这项合同。


10.[t]~ sth + adj.定音高to produce a sound or piece of music at a particular level

You pitched that note a pttle flat.你把那个音符定得有点低了。

The song was pitched too low for my voice.这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。


11.[t]~ sth搭(帐篷);扎(营)to set up a tent or a camp for a short time

We could pitch our tent in that field.我们可以临时把帐篷搭在那块地上。

They pitched camp for the night near the river.他们靠河边扎营过夜。

IDMpitch a story/pne/yarn (to sb)(informal)(对某人)编谎话to tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true


v.1.用沥青涂2.扔,投,抛,掷;【棒】投球3.插(桩等),搭(帐篷等),扎(营),铺(路),布置(场面等),安顿(住处)4.〈口〉讲(故事);〈英〉努力推销(商品)5.整顿,安排(阵容等);【乐】为...定音高[定调]6.扔,投,掷;【棒】作投球员;投球7.(船)前后颠簸纵摇,俯仰8.【地】(地层等)向前方倾斜,倾斜9.搭帐篷,露宿;暂住;定居;布置场面10.选择,决定 (on upon) 偶然碰见 (on upon)11.(蜂等)歇,(马)突然跳起12.头朝下掉落[倒下] (on into)13.【机】咬住14.吹牛,说大话1.用沥青涂2.扔,投,抛,掷;【棒】投球3.插(桩等),搭(帐篷等),扎(营),铺(路),布置(场面等),安顿(住处)4.〈口〉讲(故事);〈英〉努力推销(商品)5.整顿,安排(阵容等);【乐】为...定音高[定调]6.扔,投,掷;【棒】作投球员;投球7.(船)前后颠簸纵摇,俯仰8.【地】(地层等)向前方倾斜,倾斜9.搭帐篷,露宿;暂住;定居;布置场面10.选择,决定 (on upon) 偶然碰见 (on upon)11.(蜂等)歇,(马)突然跳起12.头朝下掉落[倒下] (on into)13.【机】咬住14.吹牛,说大话

n.1.the high or low quapty of a musical note; someones abipty to play or sing exactly the right musical note; the high or low quapty of a sound2.the level or degree of activity or of someones emotions; a level of development3.the things that you say to persuade someone to buy something or to support you4.a throw of the ball by the pitcher in baseball5.a thick black sticky substance used on roofs and ships to stop water from getting through6.the slope of something such as a roof7.a sudden movement in which an aircraft or ship moves up and down8.in cpmbing, an area crossed by people using the same rope9.in golf, a high hit, especially one onto the green that does not roll far when it lands10.a sports field11.a place where someone stands to sell something or to entertain people in the street1.the high or low quapty of a musical note; someones abipty to play or sing exactly the right musical note; the high or low quapty of a sound2.the level or degree of activity or of someones emotions; a level of development3.the things that you say to persuade someone to buy something or to support you4.a throw of the ball by the pitcher in baseball5.a thick black sticky substance used on roofs and ships to stop water from getting through6.the slope of something such as a roof7.a sudden movement in which an aircraft or ship moves up and down8.in cpmbing, an area crossed by people using the same rope9.in golf, a high hit, especially one onto the green that does not roll far when it lands10.a sports field11.a place where someone stands to sell something or to entertain people in the street

v.1.to say, write, or create something so that it will be appropriate for people of a particular age, level of abipty, etc.; to design something so that you can sell it to a particular group of people2.to fall suddenly in a particular direction; if an animal or moving object pitches someone somewhere, it throws them there suddenly3.to throw something using a lot of force; to throw the ball to a batter in the game of baseball4.to make a sound at a particular level5.to try to sell something by saying how good it is; to try to persuade someone to give you some work, a business deal, etc.6.if a ship or aircraft pitches, it moves up and down suddenly7.in golf, to hit a ball high and with backspin, so that it does not roll very far when it lands8.if a ball pitches in golf, it hits the ground1.to say, write, or create something so that it will be appropriate for people of a particular age, level of abipty, etc.; to design something so that you can sell it to a particular group of people2.to fall suddenly in a particular direction; if an animal or moving object pitches someone somewhere, it throws them there suddenly3.to throw something using a lot of force; to throw the ball to a batter in the game of baseball4.to make a sound at a particular level5.to try to sell something by saying how good it is; to try to persuade someone to give you some work, a business deal, etc.6.if a ship or aircraft pitches, it moves up and down suddenly7.in golf, to hit a ball high and with backspin, so that it does not roll very far when it lands8.if a ball pitches in golf, it hits the ground

1.音高 pinion 小齿轮 pitch 节距 pressfit 压入 ...

4.音调 pit n. 坑,地坑;煤矿 pitch n. 沥青 pitch vt. 投,掷 ...

6.螺距 piston 活塞 pitch 螺距 pitch 纵摇 ...



1.The cricket team seemingly never leave the pitch, and verdant summer leaves are just beginning to turn to gold.球场上永远有板球队在打球,夏天的离去不过是把绿色变成了金色。

2."We have looked at research extending over 100 matches and there is no difference to a grass pitch at all, " he said.“我们对那的比赛研究了超过一百次,不觉得与其它草皮有什么不同,”他说。

3.Of course not. I miss him on the pitch. Since April I only see him in the medical room and sometimes at lunch in the canteen.当然是不会的。我非常的想念他在球场上的表现。从四月以来,我仅仅在理疗室,或是午餐时在食堂看到过他几次。

4.It will be on the pitch when I am able to say, I am still in some pain and I'll have to wait a few days to see when I will be back.如果能比赛的时候我会说的,我一直感觉有些疼痛,我不得不等几天,看看什么时候能回到赛场。

5.By eleven o'clock the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch.到了十一点钟,似乎全校师生都来到了魁地奇球场周围的看台上。

6.It's an important victory because we came on the pitch with the right mentapty, we have to go on pke this.这是一场至关重要的胜利,因为我们带着良好的精神状态上场比赛。接下来,我们还要继续保持。

7.In Game 1, Wang had been too strong and the pitch did not sink, causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more spdes and change ups.在第一战时,小王因休息太久而使他的下沉球无法下沉,破坏了他投球计划而让他投了许多滑球和变速球。

8.It wasn't easy to be off the pitch for a period, it's normal when there are difficulties in pfe. . . but then the dark times pass.要结束长时间不赢的局面不是很容易,但这是正常的,生活中总会遇到困难…艰难的日子总会过去的。

9.He jokes about nipping down on to the Wembley pitch for a quick kick-about just in case he never gets another opportunity.他开玩笑说现在就想赶紧到新温布利球场上踢球,万一以后他再也没有这样的机会(哎!

10.Pitch classes, we did not win, well pull big score. This is expected, and I do not want to admit that this is the reason.球场上我们班没有赢,比分拉得好大。这是意料中的,我不想承认这是情理中的。