


美式发音: [ˈbaʊnti] 英式发音: ['baʊnti]



复数:bounties  同义词反义词





1.[u][c]慷慨之举;大量给予之物generous actions; sth provided in large quantities

2.[c]奖金;赏金money given as a reward

a bounty hunter(= sb who catches criminals or kills people for a reward)为得到赏金而抓捕罪犯或去杀人的人

n.1.赏金;奖金 (on; upon; for)2.慷慨,仁爱,博爱,宽大;恩惠3.赐物,赠物;赐金,赠金

n.1.money offered as a reward, especially for catching or kilpng a criminal2.the good things that something provides3.generous behavior

1.慷慨 truth( 真理) 32.- bounty慷慨,好施), cruelty( 残酷), ...

2.赏金 boon 恩物,恩赐 bounty 奖金,慷慨好施 bounteous 慷慨的 ...

4.奖励金 bountiful adj. 慷慨的,宽大的 bounty n. 慷慨,宽大,施舍,奖励金 bouquet n. 花束 ...

5.恩惠 princely adj. 王子的,慷慨的 | bounty n 慷慨,宽大,恩惠 alms n 施舍,捐献,救济金 | ...

6.宽大 princely adj. 王子的,慷慨的 | bounty n 慷慨,宽大,恩惠 alms n 施舍,捐献,救济金 | ...

7.悬赏领取/发布悬赏Bounty)。(领取前需要 10,000 C 的押金。) ✔ ✔ 提供网站内容评论(Review)。

8.邦蒂号该岛居民包括「邦蒂号」(Bounty)船叛变海员的后裔,他们于1856年自皮特肯岛(Pitcairn Island)迁来,以及晚些时候来自澳大 …


1.Led down the dark path by Aurra Sing, Boba will learn a thing of two about deception and deceit from his bounty hunter henchmen.被奥拉·辛引向黑暗道路,波巴将会从他赏金猎人同伙身上学会使用阴谋诡计。

2.It is impossible to estimate how much money this bounty could generate for Greenland's cash-strapped government.这种宝贵的物产到底能为资金短缺的格陵兰政府带来多少财富是难以估量的。

3.King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for, besides what he had given her out of his royal bounty.示巴女王一切所要所求的,所罗门王都送给她,另外照自己的厚意馈送她。

4.he is, after all, created from the same genetic blueprint as the rest of the clones -- that of bounty hunter Jango Fett.毕竟,他和其他克隆人一样,是由同一个基因蓝图——赏金猎人詹高·费特的基因——生产出来的。

5.The company does business with a number of organic food related organizations, and current and potential cpents receive some of the bounty.该公司与一些有机食品相关组织开展业务,现有客户和潜在客户还能收到该公司的自耕农产品。

6.His fate changed, however, when as a young man drawn into a cantina brawl, he was able to inadvertently score a bounty on his drunken foe.然而,有一次他在酒馆里打架斗殴时,打倒的一个醉鬼碰巧是个被悬赏追杀的人。

7.As for Logan himself, nothing would stand in his way when faced with the opportunity to revisit the role of the would-be bounty hunter.至于洛根本人,在他面对再次扮演未来的赏金猎人的机会时,没什么能挡他的道。

8.His whereabouts were a mystery for the next nine years, despite the bounty on his head.接下来的九年里,尽管有高额赏金,但拉登的藏身之处始终是个谜团。

9.Eventually, they discover that the bounty hunter Ona Nobis is behind the murders, but they still do not know who her cpent is.最后,他们发现赏金猎人欧娜诺比斯是杀人元凶,但他们还是不知道她的雇主是谁。

10.Ultimately, you have to be on board to enjoy the bounty of your system. Otherwise, none of it means anything.最后,你要去享受你的系统,否则没有任何含义。