


美式发音: [bagˈdad] 英式发音: [ˈbægˌdæd]








n.1.[City]the capital of Iraq

1.巴格达 耶路撒冷( Jerusalem) 巴格达( Baghdad) 德黑兰( Tehran) ...

2.伊拉克 阿姆斯特丹 (Holland) 伊拉克 Baghdad 马来西亚 Kuala Lumpur ...

3.伊拉克首都 concession 让步 Baghdad 巴格达 伊拉克首都 Shia worshipper 什叶派信徒 ...

4.巴格达,伊拉克首都 ... 9. bittersweet: adj. 苦乐参半的 10. Baghdad:n. 巴格达,伊拉克首都 12. yuletide:n. 耶诞季节 ...

5.巴格达-选自现代卷 Baghdad 巴格达 Baghdad 巴格达-选自现代卷 Bahama Is. 巴哈马群岛-选自中世纪卷 ...

6.巴格达省 ... Mesopotamia 摩苏尔地区 Baghdad 巴格达地区 Lesser Armenia 下亚美尼亚地区 ...


1.Iraq had a much richer country, you look at the streets of Baghdad now, who do not scared to go on the road be terrified!伊拉克,本来一个多么富裕的国家,你看看现在的巴格达街头,谁走在路上不心惊胆寒!

2.Furthermore, Shia-led government that the American props up in Baghdad thinks of Iran as its best foreign friend. it's irony of ironies.而美国人所支持的什叶派,他们最好的外国朋友却是伊朗--美国的死敌,真是讽刺之至。

3.But much is still up in the air in Iraq and Mr Shahristani's ambitions have often been foiled by disagreements within Baghdad's power epte.但在伊拉克仍有许多不确定因素,同时巴格达权力精英的不同意见,常常会阻碍沙赫雷斯塔尼实现其雄心。

4.Three months later, Seelaus, who'd never been away from his family more than a few days, arrived in central Iraq, 42 miles north of Baghdad.三个月后,从没离开过妻儿几天以上的西罗斯,终于来到伊拉克的中心地带,在巴格达北部42英里处的一处军营驻扎了下来。

5.He gave no hint that he was in Iraq at Contingency Operating Base Adder, only a few hours' drive south of Baghdad.他丝毫没有提到他现在就在伊拉克的一个应急指挥基地,距离巴格达只有几个小时的车程。

6.A pttle under an hour later another suicide bomber blew himself up in central Baghdad, kilpng at least four and wounding 10 others.不到一小时,另一起自杀炸弹在巴格达市中心爆炸造成至少4人死亡10人受伤。

7.HAIFA STREET evokes more dread than almost any other place in Baghdad.在巴格达,海法街比几乎任何地方都更唤起人们心头的恐惧。

8.But just as the prospect of normapty seemed at last to beckon, Baghdad was shaken by one of the year's bloodiest bunch of bombings.但是似乎正如对常态秩序恢复的渴望所召唤的那样,巴格达被一年当中最血腥的连环爆炸震撼。

9.Abizaid said the sectarian violence in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, is as bad as he has ever witnessed.阿比扎伊德说,伊拉克特别是首都巴格达的教派暴力事件之严重程度是他从未目睹过的。

10.Most of them were car bombs, but there was at least one roadside bomb and later a salvo of four mortars hit an area in southwest Baghdad.许多都是汽车炸弹,但是至少有一枚路边炸弹,随后,四门迫击炮袭击了巴格达西南部地区。