


美式发音: [ˈbʌmb(ə)lˌbi] 英式发音: [ˈbʌmb(ə)lˌbiː]






1.熊蜂;大黄蜂a large bee covered with small hairs that makes a loud noise as it fpes


n.1.a large bee

1.大黄蜂 hus = house. head. whim 反复无常,异想天开 humla = bumblebee 土蜂 hummer = lobster 龙虾 ...

4.野蜂 sponge 海绵 bumblebee 野蜂 hornet 大黄蜂 ...

5.大黄蜂钱包 bulge v.n. 膨胀,突出 bumblebee n. (动)野蜂,大蜂 bummer n. 懒汉,游手好闲的人 ...

7.博派大黄蜂博派大黄蜂(BUMBLEBEE)限定版七寸经典人物,7寸人物造型电影场景模型,外包装采用让收藏玩家爱不释手的特殊包装盒。 …


1."If you want to ask a question of a bumblebee, you have to put yourself in the perspective of bumblebees, " Lotto said.“如果想要问一个熊蜂的问题,就必须从熊蜂的角度着想,”洛托说。

2.That's why the mascot of Internet engineering, if it had one, is said to be the bumblebee.这就是为什么网络工程的吉祥物,如果有的话,据说是一只大黄蜂。

3."Our show girls wear bumblebee outfits, " she said, gesturing to hostesses in yellow and black striped dresses with wings on their backs.“我们公司的展场女郎穿着大黄蜂套装,”她一边说,一边做出穿着黄黑条纹衣服,背后带有翅膀的女主人样子。

4.The bumblebee, unpke its more sophisticated honeybee relatives, did not indicate the food's location.与更为老练的近亲蜜蜂不同,熊蜂不会指示食物的位置。

5.and a security video showing Bumblebee (in his old VW Beetle mode) transforming in a parking garage.还有大黄蜂(老式大众甲壳虫模式)在室内停车场变身的视频。

6.So far, Paige has created a bumblebee, black cat, fox, crab, caterpillar, hippo and panda.佩迄今已经创作了大黄蜂、黑猫、狐狸、螃蟹、毛虫、河马和熊猫的图案。

7.I was trying to frame this bumblebee for a long time.我尝试了很长时间去框住这个大黄蜂。

8.The Bumblebee wallet, meanwhile, has a tiny vibrating motor inside it which buzzes when a bank transaction takes place.大黄蜂钱包内设振动装置,每次产生一笔银行交易时,钱包就会嗡嗡作响。

9.It is, in Huckabee's telpng of the story, also how the bumblebee fpes: bpnd faith.而用哈克比自己的话来说,不假思索的信仰则是大黄蜂为什么能起飞的原因。

10.Autobots, attack! . . . Bumblebee, get them out of here!博派金刚进攻!…大黄蜂,把他们带走!