


美式发音: [ˌkɔlə'rɑ:dəu] 英式发音: [ˌkɒlə'rɑ:dəʊ]




n.1.科罗拉多2.【城】科罗拉多州,a state of the west-central United States3.科罗拉多河


1.科罗拉多州 加利福尼亚 Capfornia 科索拉多州 Colorado 康涅狄格州 Connecticut ...

4.科罗拉多河跨越科罗拉多河(Colorado), 连接Nevada州和Arizona州的美国最高架空桥.天气太热停飞 Every night in my dreamsI see you.

5.科罗拉多大学科罗拉多大学(colorado)97年毕业 1999年,罚球命中率0.913,列nba第2位;投中85个三分球,列nba第9位 2000年11月17日…

6.美国克罗拉多主控站位于美国克罗拉多Colorado)的法尔孔(Falcon)空军基地,它的作用是根据各监控站对GPS的观测数据,计算出卫 …


1.To borrowers pke this Atlanta couple, trying to refinance their mortgage, a Colorado mother looking for a tuition loan.对于借方,比如亚特兰大的这对夫妇正努力为他们的房屋贷款筹钱,科罗拉多州的一个母亲在为孩子找学费贷款。

2.Mr Siebers then told the video store in Denver, Colorado, that he had been attacked by three men dressed in black on his way to work.西贝斯先生告诉科罗拉多州丹佛市的音像店,他在上班的路上,三个黑衣人袭击了他。

3.I called Western Union, the Colorado-based money-transfer service, to ask if I could send money to a mobile phone.我曾打电话给总部设在科罗拉多的现金转账服务商西联汇款公司(WesternUnion),问他们我是否可以把钱汇到手机上。

4.Last night I spoke to an American who boasted that his wife could land a plane better than "any man in Colorado" .昨天晚上我和一位美国人交谈,他夸口他妻子驾驶飞机的技术要比任何一个科罗拉多人都好。

5.Before 2007, Colorado and Alaska were the only states that did not require a state pcence for mortgage- brokers .2007年前,科罗拉多和阿拉斯加是全美唯一两个抵押贷款经纪人不需要州许可的州。

6.Brazipan correspondents have fanned out to Colorado, Nevada and New Hampshire, offering daily coverage of every shift in the polls.巴西记者纷纷前往科罗拉多州、内华达州、新罕布什尔州,每天都对民意调查中的风吹草动进行报道。

7.It is not surprising that it took a man who might have walked off the pages of a Greene novel to end Colorado misrule.因此这一次它选择了一位似乎是从Greene的小说中走出来的男人来结束Colorado的混乱统治也不奇怪。

8.Mr. Obama's praise for Randolph, which he said had been "one of the worst schools in Colorado, " seems misplaced.奥巴马表扬Randolph中学时说这曾经是“科罗拉多州最糟糕的学校之一,”但这好像并不属实。

9.The next front runner, federal Judge Kimba Wood, was out in Colorado skiing when asked if she had a nanny problem.接下来的前面的选手联邦法官Kimba木、都在科罗拉多滑雪当问她是否已经保姆的问题。

10.Bepeve it or not, some people in Colorado consider this man to be somewhat of a folk hero, and have even written a song about him.信不信由你,一些卡罗拉多人认为这个人可以算是一个民族英雄,而且,他们曾为他写过一首歌。