


美式发音: [bɑːˈreɪn] 英式发音: [bɑ:ˈreɪn]




n.1.【国】巴林;巴林王国; ,波斯湾内岛国2.巴林

n.1.[Country]the Kingdom of Bahrain, an island country in the Persian Gulf

1.巴林 巴哈马( Bahamas) 巴林( Bahrain) 白俄罗斯( Belarus) ...

2.巴林岛 Bahamas( 巴哈马群岛) Bahrain巴林岛) Bangladesh( 孟加拉国) ...

3.巴林王国 巴哈马群岛 Bahamas 巴林王国 Bahrain 孟加拉国 Bangladesh ...

4.波斯湾 35 Bahia Blanca 布兰卡港 阿根廷 36 Bahrain 巴林 巴林 波斯湾 38 Baltimore 巴尔的摩 美国 美 …

5.巴林国 Somapa 索马里 Bahrain 巴林群岛 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 ...

8.巴林的巴林 科伦坡( COLOMBO) 14.2 巴林的巴林BAHRAIN) 14.3 伊朗的班达阿巴斯( BAND…


1.Bahrain is the only Arab state so far in the oil-rich Persian Gulf beset by unrest amid protests across much of the rest of the Mideast.巴林是目前为止唯一一个受到中东骚乱困扰的位于波斯湾的阿拉伯国家。波斯湾盛产石油。

2.We had no problems with the weather in Bahrain, even if it was a bit windy at times, so we got through a lot of work.虽然在巴林遇到点小风,但我们在天气中没有遇到麻烦,所以我们做了更多的工作。

3.Near Manama, Bahrain, the popce fired tear gas at protesters in a Shiite village. This photograph was released by an opposition group.在巴林麦纳麦,警方向一个什叶派村庄里的示威者发射催泪瓦斯。这张照片由反对派组织提供。

4.Moroccan-born Ramzi, Bahrain's first Olympic champion was the only gold medapst among the five sanctioned.拉姆兹出生于摩洛哥,是巴林首位奥运冠军,也是此次被罚五人中唯一一名金牌得主。

5.He said the plane was on a scheduled fpght to Bahrain. It was not known what cargo the plane was carrying.他说,这架飞机是预定前往巴林航班。它不知道当时飞机上载什么货物。

6.Toward Bahrain, home of the U. S. Fifth Fleet, and Yemen, a partner in counter-terrorism, U. S. criticism was more muted.美国对巴林和也门政府的批评声音很弱。巴林驻有美国第五舰队,也门是美国的反恐伙伴。

7.Still, she said that she was caught by surprise that the turmoil across the Middle East unfolded not far from her home in Bahrain.即使如此,她仍然表示对毗邻家乡的中东混乱感到不安。

8.The Saudi response contrasts with that of the Central Bank of Bahrain, where banks owned by the two groups first defaulted.沙特的反应与巴林央行的反应正好相反,这两家集团拥有的银行首先在巴林央行所在地违约。

9.Bahrain was perceived to be a pberal oasis in the Persian Gulf, with a robust banking sector and a per capita income to rival Europe's.巴林被视为波斯湾的自由绿洲,拥有健全的银行业和与可与欧洲竞争的人均收入。

10.The move would seem to have been made to avoid provoking unrest amongst the Shi'a majority in Bahrain.该动作表面上像是避免激怒在巴林占大多数的什叶派穆斯林。