


美式发音: [ˈbeɪlˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈbeɪlaʊt]







1.紧急财政援助an act of giving money to a company, a foreign country, etc. that has very serious financial problems



n.1.money that someone gives or lends to a person or organization with financial problems

1.救助 podium: 领奖台 bailout: 紧急救助 phenomenal: 非凡的,惊人的 ...

4.抽资 378 bailment 寄销,寄托 379 bailout 抽资 380 bailout period 投资返还期 ...

5.紧急融资 case in point 恰当的例子 bailout n. 紧急(财政)援助,紧急融资 ripple effect n. 连锁反应 ...

6.救市 8.Beijing 2008 北京2008 1.bailout 救市 2.vet 兽医、老兵 ...

7.帮助……摆脱困境 bad loan 呆账,坏账 bailout 帮助……摆脱困境 barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标 ...

8.政府救助 buyout repo (买断式回购/开放式回购) bailout 政府救助 bridge loan (过渡贷款)或者 ...


1.So, while this is called a "Greek bailout" , it is in effect just as much about baipng out the foopsh lenders in France and Germany.因此,尽管被称为“希腊救援”,实际上更像是救援那些愚蠢的法国和德国放款人。

2.One of her first tasks as IMF chief will be to help hammer out a second bailout package for Greece.拉嘉德就任IMF总裁后的首要任务之一将是帮助制定第二个希腊救助计划。

3.Swaziland has asked South Africa for a financial bailout as it risks running out of money, South Africa's top foreign affairs official says.南非首席外交事务官员称,因资金即将用尽,斯威士兰请求南非对其进行财政援助。

4.The United States will have no role in the bailout decision, to be made by the 17 key "Eurozone" countries of the European Union.美国将不会参与是否援助希腊的决定,这个决定将由欧盟的欧元区17个关键国来达成。

5.If handled correctly, the IMF said, the ultimate cost of the global government financial bailout may not be as high as often supposed.IMF说,如果处置得当,各国政府救助金融业的最终成本可能不会像人们常常认为的那么高。

6." Jackson mused, laughing, referring to the government bailout of the banking giant. " He might have to give Citibank a loan.杰克逊沉思着,微笑地说道,矛头似乎直指政府救助花旗银行这个银行业的巨头,“花旗银行估计可以找他贷款”。

7.This setback did not, however, dampen Merkel's mood, as she showed when Ireland and Greece sought an easing of their bailout terms.不过,从爱尔兰和希腊要求减轻对其救助的条件后默克尔的表现看,让步并未对她的情绪造成影响。

8.The 85 bilpon bailout is not a small sum of money and is supposed to help Ireland out of the crisis if appropriately used.850亿欧元可不是一个小数目,使用得当估计可以帮爱尔兰勉强走出危机。

9.But mostly because, after the mini-inflation scare following the ECB's bailout plans for Europe, we seem to be having a deflation scare.但最主要的原因是,在欧洲央行(ECB)纾困欧洲的计划引起小小的通胀担忧后,我们似乎产生了通缩担忧。

10.One critical factor was that Lee Iacocca reframed the congressional members' thinking and removed their barriers to his goal of a bailout.关键的因素是LeeIacocca通过语言描述来重建国会议员的思考,排除他们对实现紧急援助目标的障碍。