




1.贝恩斯 ... 1614/5389 HART 曼城 1615/5390 BAINES 埃弗顿 1616/5391 WARNOCK 阿斯 …

4.左卫贝恩斯最让莫伊斯担忧的就是主力左卫贝恩斯(Baines),他在上轮对阿申纳时被撞伤,能否上场还要看赛前检验。此外,队长菲尔·内 …

5.埃弗顿左卫贝恩斯当时埃弗顿左卫贝恩斯Baines)开出角球,费莱尼虽受到曼联临时中卫卡里克(Carrick)的防守,仍以泰山压顶之势狮头一 …

6.因斯艾达恳求班因斯Baines)带她和女儿来到海滩。在这里,艾达再次弹奏她心爱的钢琴,女儿随着音乐在海浪边翩翩起舞,班 …

7.埃弗顿左卫拜恩斯有消息称,红魔的目标正是埃弗顿左卫拜恩斯Baines)。不管引进拜恩斯能否成功,在拥有了范佩尔西和香川真司,以及维 …


1.Sounded very ominous when he took me nearby to the lake, conveniently called Lake Lyndon Baines Johnson.他带我去了湖边,我感觉有些不妙,那个湖叫做林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊湖。

2.Baines was known to have had an excellent relationship with former boss Paul Jewell and is reportedly considering his future.众所周知贝恩斯与前任主教练保罗.朱厄尔关系非常好,有报道称贝恩斯正在考虑他的未来。

3.Wigan Athletic fullback Leighton Baines is expected to leave the JJB this summer.维冈竞技的边后卫莱顿.贝恩斯希望在这个夏天离开JJB球场。

4.Leighton Baines and Stephen Warnock will compete to be Ashley Cole's back-up, with the Everton defender the favourite at present.雷顿·巴恩斯和史蒂芬·沃诺克将竞争阿什利·科尔的替补位置,目前看来埃弗顿后卫的机会比较大。

5.But he was assassinated, and Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who actually [completed Kennedy's work].但他被暗杀了,而林登-贝恩斯-约翰逊就是一个其实(已经完成肯尼迪事业的人)。

6.American Gertrude Baines, the world's oldest known person, died at the age of 115 Friday at a nursing home.11日,世界上最长寿老人、美国妇女特鲁德·贝恩斯在一家养老院逝世,享年115岁。

7.Gertrude Baines, a resident of a nursing home, assumed that title when a 115-year-old woman in Portugal died Friday.现居住于一家疗养院的格楚德是在上周葡萄牙的一位115岁的妇女去世后得到这个头衔的。

8.Kennedy and his Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson sit on either side of First Lady Jackie Kennedy.肯尼迪和他的副总统林登贝恩斯约翰逊坐在第一夫人杰姬肯尼迪的两边。

9.Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president of the United States, died at his ranch in Johnson City, Texas, at age 64.年,美国第36届美国林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊死在德克萨斯州约翰逊市自家的农场里,享年64岁。

10.Lyndon Baines Johnson became America's thirty-sixth president suddenly.林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊瞬间成为了美国第三十六任总统。