


美式发音: [kənˈfest] 英式发音: [kən'fest]







adj.1.admitting that you have done something or that you are a particular type of person

v.1.The past participle and past tense of confess

1.承认 Guilty 有罪的 Confessed 承认,供认,坦白 Convicted 宣判某人 ...

2.坦白 D. undertake 扮演;从事 A. confessed 坦白 B. thrilled 惊险刺激的 ...

3.供认 Guilty 有罪的 Confessed 承认,供认,坦白 Convicted 宣判某人 ...

4.供认不讳 confessant 忏悔者 confessed 公开承认的 confessedly 明白地 ...

6.明白的. ... Fault= 过失 Confessed= 明白的 Half= 一半 ...

7.指自愿服罪或认错 ... subsequently 此后,接着 confessed 指自愿服罪或认错 payment 支付,支付的款 …

8.众所周知的 ... incarcerate: 监禁 confessed: 众所周知的 unsuccessful: 失败的 ...


1.He confessed and said he was hungry and did it for the thrill.男孩供认不讳随后称他很饿、盗窃是为了寻刺激。

2."I feel sad for her. And. . . I'm a pttle ashamed of myself, " she finally confessed in a murmur.“我替她难过。也……为我自己感到有点儿羞愧。”她终于小声坦白道。

3.O'Neill reveals that "Sally confessed only after we were together for a while that she was a fashion addict. "尼尔偷偷说,“我们在一起生活很久后莎莉才肯承认她是个时尚瘾者。”

4.And when she confessed that she had done these things he condemned her to the beasts.她承认做过的事情,他判她被喂野兽。

5.When we were in the room, finally ready to start, she confessed that she had never seen a penis before.我们在房间里的时候,终于决定要开始时,她向我坦白她从来都没看过JJ。

6."I'm scared to, " Lisa confessed, and the blue of her eyes showed it, anxious and bright amid her fading freckles.“我害怕看大夫,”利萨承认道,她那双兰色的眼睛流露出恐惧,她那在消退的雀斑中显出焦虑和快乐。

7.After being detained, Masri confessed to being the al Qaeda in Iraq leader, he said, adding that his identity still had to be confirmed.马斯里在被捕后供认是在伊拉克境内基地组织的领导者,不过该官员补充说,他的身份还有待确认。

8.I confessed my desire to be a soccer ball, and risk being kicked around, if it was the only way I could catch her attention.我在诗中表白道,我情愿变成一个足球,宁愿承受被踢来踢去的疼痛,如果这是我能吸引她注意力的唯一方式。

9.'I've pulled up two or three of his fruit-trees, ' confessed Hareton, 'but I'll put them back again. '“我拔了他两三棵果树,”哈里顿坦白道,“但我会把它们种回去的。”

10.He confessed to her his connections and told her what he expected her to do.他向她讲述了他的身份,并告诉她自己对她的期望。