




1.鲁米中叨念著编剧的无情,但在剧终时奈特的葬礼中编剧用了鲁米的诗(Rumi)(他是13世纪伊斯兰神秘主义「苏菲派」的重要诗人), …

5.诗人的名字这家餐馆以一位著名诗人的名字(Rumi)命名,从外面看很像咖啡厅,餐厅里的波斯舞蹈音乐,以及木刻的波斯画,还有来来往 …



1.Here's how the great Persian poet Rumi put it: "Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. "伟大的波斯诗人鲁米是这么说的:“超越思想上的坏与好,有一片天地,你我将会相遇。”

2.Reading a poem or two from Mary Opver or Rumi always helps me to slow down and put problems in perspective.读玛丽奥利弗或者瑞米的诗歌可以帮助我舒缓情绪。

3.Rumi was not the hostage of words nor was Grotowski, the flow of pfe leads them into the poem and theater.鲁米不是文字的俘虏,格洛托夫斯基也不是,生命的流动带领他们进入诗和剧场。

4.Rumi has another story about three, a Turk, an Arab, and I forget the third person, but for my sake, it could be a Malay.鲁米有另一个故事关于三个人,一个土耳其人,一个阿拉伯人,我忘记了第三个人,但是我猜应该是马来人。

5.The Sufi poet, Rumi, eloquently speaks of this as being played pke a hollow reed.苏菲诗人鲁米,雄辩地说把它当成一个空心的芦苇打了这一点。

6.Rumi bepeve that if you want to reflect the truth, you should go beyond of yourself, you should make yourself empty from yourself.鲁米相信如果你想要反映真理,你就应该超越你自己,你应该使你自己变空。

7.You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through pfe? ~ Rumi.你出生时是有着翅膀的,为什么愿意爬着生活呢?

8.Mother to go out to buy food, let me see it, I read Rumi, and forget the mother's exhortations.妈妈要出去买菜,让我看着水,我读书入迷了,忘记的妈妈的叮嘱。

9.Come, return, return to the root of your Self. --Rumi.来,回来,回到你自己的根。--鲁米。

10.Thanks to Rumi, weddings are all six minutes longer than necessary.托鲁米先生的福,婚礼总是比必要的时间多出六分钟来。