

balanced diet

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1.平衡膳食 balance 平衡,权衡,天平 balanced diet 平衡膳食 barbecue 烧烤,烤肉 ...

2.均衡膳食 back view 背面 balanced diet 均衡膳食 baste,to 疏缝 ...

3.均衡饮食 properly 适当地 balanced diet 均衡饮食 △ regularly 有规律地,定期地 ...

4.均衡的饮食 含氮废物 nitrogenous waste 均衡的饮食 balanced diet 坐骨 ischium ...

5.平衡饮食 hold one's breath 屏气,屏息 balanced diet 平衡饮食 ought to 应该 ...

6.平衡的饮食 “感觉不好" feel bad “平衡的饮食" balanced diet I have a headache. 我头痛 ...

7.均衡伙食 serum transfusion 输血清 balanced diet 均衡伙食 convalescent diet 恢复期饮食 ...

8.营养均衡的食谱 balanced 平衡的,均衡的 balanced diet 营养均衡的食谱 go bald 脱发,开始秃顶 ...


1.Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep your weight under control, and have no more than five alcohopc drinks a week.摄入低脂,平衡的膳食,有规律地锻炼,保持健康的体重并且每周饮用含酒精饮料不要超过5次。

2.Eating a simple and a well balanced diet is what a macrobiotic diet is all about.饮食均衡饮食简单就是一个大型生物饲料是怎么一回事。

3.As long as you maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly, you can become a strong and healthy person.别紧张,只要有注意均衡饮食及多做运动,便可锻鍊出强健的体魄。

4.And a balanced diet means a bit of everything.嗯,均衡的饮食真有点像开启健康之门的万能钥匙。

5.Hayes has lost most of that extra weight and is trying to eat a more balanced diet with fruit and water.海耶斯已经失去了大部分的额外体重,努力用水果和水平衡膳食。

6.People who are trying to lose weight use meal replacement to have a balanced diet and cut down on calories.想减肥的人们会用替餐来保证节食过程营养均衡同时减少热量的摄入。

7.A well-balanced diet with milk and juices would be just as good in a healthy, normally active, normally growing child.兼备牛奶和果汁的平衡饮食,对一个健康的、正常发育的孩子来自说不比配方奶差。

8.By the same token, a well-balanced diet with ample supppes of nutrients is thought by many experts to produce a glowing, younger look .许多专家由此认为,均衡合理而营养丰富的饮食会使人容光焕发显得比较年轻。

9.This easy-to-use, scientifically tested and nutritionally balanced diet really works, helping you lose weight permanently.这种简单实用的,经科学测试且营养均衡的的饮食,将使你能真正地长期减肥。

10.A balanced diet consists of a variety of food. Whole grains should be consumed as the major component of each meal .均衡饮食应该含有不同种类的食物,以全谷类食物作为每餐主要食粮。