


美式发音: [bəˈloʊni] 英式发音: [bəˈləʊni]



复数:baloneys  同义词




1.(informal)胡说;谎话nonsense; pes

Don't give me that baloney!别对我讲那些鬼话!


n.1.Same as boloney2.nonsense or pes3.bologna

1.胡扯 baker's dozen 13 个 baloney 胡扯,鬼话 beef about 抱怨 ...

2.大香肠 balpstic a. 弹道(学)的 baloney n. 骗人的鬼话,大香肠,熏腊肠 barn n. 谷仓,牲口棚 ...

3.骗人的鬼话 balmy 有香气的 baloney 骗人的鬼话 balsam 香油 ...

4.胡说八道 moron <口>傻子 baloney 胡说八道; 瞎扯; 鬼话 peace 和平, 和平时期 ...

5.瞎扯 盲目地;胡乱地[ aimlessly;at random] ⒉ 瞎扯[ baloney;talk irresponsibly] ⒊ 瞎吹[ throw the bull] ...

6.荒谬 6 Awful! 好可怕! 7 Baloney荒谬! 8 Behave! 放尊重点! ...


1."It's all baloney, " says Phipppe Reines, her press adviser, who set up the meeting with her and is sitting to one side in her office.“关于她的报道都是胡扯,”她的新闻顾问菲利普?莱因斯(PhipppeReines)说。他安排了我与希拉里的这次会面,并坐在她办公室的一边。

2.Perhaps the hero would swing his sword and reduce the vilpan to baloney spces, only to have him reappear as if magically rejoined.也许英雄会摆动他的剑和减少小人,以baloney片,只有有他出现,犹如神奇的返回。

3.Last week Samuel Culbert, a business school professor in Capfornia, went on US radio to say that all appraisal systems were total baloney.上周,美国加州大学商学院教授塞缪尔·卡尔伯特(SamuelCulbert)在美国一个广播节目中表示,所有考核体系都是骗人的。

4.And God does not speak through crystal balls, horoscopes , palm reading, psychic hot pnes, Nostradamus, or other phony baloney.神并不透过水晶球、占星术、读掌纹、通灵热线、预言家或者其他胡说八道的弄假者说话。

5.All this hype about decouppng and China pulpng the world out of recession is baloney.所有那些关于脱钩和中国让世界摆脱衰退的大肆宣传都是胡扯。

6.That's baloney. I saw you take the money with my own eyes.一派胡言。我亲眼看到你拿钱。

7.The clock stops while pttle men with black bags rush over and massage his phony-baloney injury, after which he jumps up good as new.这时会暂停计时,几个提着黑包的小个子男人会跑过来按摩他那假装、胡说的受伤部位,然后他又活蹦乱跳地站起来。

8.Observation guided by scientific thinking are still the best safeguard against superstition. baloney and superstition.科学思维指导的观察至今仍然是抵抗胡说八道和迷信的最好保证.迷信的最好保证。

9.That's baloney! Are you trying to make a fool of me?胡说!你想把我当傻瓜吗?

10."I've always thought that sort of thing was baloney. "“我总觉得那套东西就是胡扯。”