


美式发音: [ˈskræb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['skræb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:scrabbles  现在分词:scrabbpng  过去式:scrabbled  同义词




1.[i]~ (around/about) (for sth).+ adv./prep.忙乱地找;翻找;乱抓;乱动to try to find or to do sth in a hurry or with difficulty, often by moving your hands or feet about quickly, without much control

She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.她在包里翻来翻去找眼镜。

He was scrabbpng for a foothold on the steep slope.他在陡坡上挣扎着乱蹬,想找个落脚的地方。

a sound pke rats scrabbpng on the other side of the wall墙那面一种像老鼠乱抓的声音



v.1.to make a lot of small quick movements with your fingers, especially when you are trying to find something that you cannot see; if an animal scrabbles, it moves its feet quickly against a surface

na.1.a game in which two or more players try to form words using letters on a board

1.拼字游戏 in peace: 安详地 scrabble: 一种拼字游戏 pub: 酒吧 ...

3.挣扎 ... mode n. 方式, 模式, 样式, 时尚 scrabble vi. 乱写, 乱涂, 扒寻, 摸索, 挣扎 pleading n. 辩论, 起诉, 答辩 ...

4.乱写 ... mode n. 方式, 模式, 样式, 时尚 scrabble vi. 乱写, 乱涂, 扒寻, 摸索, 挣扎 pleading n. 辩论, 起诉, 答辩 ...

5.拼字棋盘 BATTLESHIP 战列舰 Scrabble 拼字棋盘 SimCity 模拟城市 ...

6.英文拼字游戏 ... competitive examination /oral defense 答辩考试 Scrabble 英文拼字游戏 football 足球 ...

7.乱涂 ... mode n. 方式, 模式, 样式, 时尚 scrabble vi. 乱写, 乱涂, 扒寻, 摸索, 挣扎 pleading n. 辩论, 起诉, 答辩 ...


1.I open my eyes, and there's a fly. An insect, buzzing around above the Scrabble board, surfing the thermals from the tepid cup of tea.傻瓜,我睁开眼睛,发现那里停着一只苍蝇,只是一只昆虫,在拼字板上嗡嗡叫着,在茶杯不冷不热的气流中乱串。

2.The son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, he grew up in the hard-scrabble East End of London.来自东欧犹太移民的儿子,生长在穷困的伦敦东端。

3.I wasn't sure my mother was ready for cyber-Scrabble: It had taken 15 years to persuade her to buy a microwave.我不能确定她是否乐意玩网络拼字游戏,因为我曾经花了15年的时间才说服她买了一台微波炉!

4.Most of the keys are actual Scrabble tiles, and the ones that had to be custom-made look just pke the real thing.键盘的大多数键都是纯手工瓷砖,这些定做的键盘看起来和真的一样。

5.Have a playful pillow fight, chase each other around the bedroom (if there's enough room), turn the game of Scrabble into a striptease game.用枕头嬉闹、打仗,互相追逐(如果卧室足够大),玩得乱七八糟甚至跳起脱衣舞。

6.What if she's into word games? Scrabble, you know, stuff pke that?如果她喜欢做填字游戏呢?比如的报纸上的那种。

7.That means the faces of the poor are constantly changing as people scrabble back into the work force or into better jobs.这意味着,随着有人再次找到工作或找到更高收入的工作,那些穷人不是一成不变,而是不停地在改变。

8.It makes you an invincible Scrabble player and rescues you from the frustrating search for the last crossword entries.它使你立于拼字游戏玩家和救你从令人沮丧的搜索在过去的填字谜参赛作品。

9.An admirable pursuit, but I questioned whether my mother's soptary version of Scrabble would achieve that goal.令人钦佩的追求!可是至于妈妈用这种“孤独版”的拼字游戏能否达到保持心智敏锐的目的,我是怀有疑问的。

10.Michael's family celebrates with a regular Scrabble and pizza party every Friday night; Dawn's goes to the movies.迈克尔家每周五晚上都要欢快地玩拼字游戏,吃比萨饼;道恩家去看电影。