


美式发音: [ˈbɔltəˌmɔr] 英式发音: [ˈbɔ:ltimɔ:]





un.1.port and the largest city in Maryland, near the Chesapeake Bay. It is home to the Johns Hopkins University.

1.巴尔的摩巴尔的摩Baltimore)是美国马里兰州最大的城市,也是美国最大独立城市和主要海港之一。巴尔的摩市被巴尔的摩县环绕, …

2.巴尔地摩巴尔地摩(BALTIMORE)--马里兰州被列为美国十大最富有的州之一,倾向於民主党的马里兰州同时也是全国第一个全力推动可 …

3.巴尔的摩市核心提示:现在的巴尔的摩市(Baltimore)有着数以千计的空置房屋;孩子们都在街角无所事事的闲逛;无家可归的人们一遍遍讲述 …

4.马里兰州巴尔的摩位于马里兰州巴尔的摩Baltimore)中央河(Middle River)的格伦.L.马丁公司(Glenn L. Martin Co.)提交的方案是 179 型。 …

5.巴的摩尔 一九八一年六月,我在巴的摩尔(Baltimore)开布道大会。我每天打电话,要知道母亲的病况如何。

6.马里兰州的巴尔的摩  马里兰州的巴尔的摩Baltimore)也高居热门就业市场榜上,名列第四。   以下是Monster网址被屏蔽列出的最热门就业市场前10名:   1.

7.马里兰州巴尔的摩市位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市Baltimore)的约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的肿瘤学家唐纳德·科菲(Donald Coff…


1.Tyrone and I sat on our couch in Salt Lake City and said, "I feel you" to the memory of Baltimore, to illness, to reapsm.在盐湖城,泰龙和我一起坐在沙发上,对着在巴尔的摩留下的记忆,病痛,现实说“我感受到了你”。

2.To get a sense of just how long, he says, imagine a giant with her head in Baltimore and her toe off the coast of South Africa.为了正确了解到底有多久,他说,想像一位巨人,她的头在巴尔的摩,她的脚趾头在南非海岸。

3.Hilary Parker* had recently moved to Baltimore* and was excited about her new job with a state agency.希拉里帕克最近搬到巴尔的摩。她对自己在一国家机构的新工作感到非常兴奋。

4."Detective Stevenson was a good man, a good investigator and a great pubpc servant to the people of Baltimore, " he said.“史蒂文森警探是一个好人,一名好调查员,而且对巴尔的摩人民来说是个出色的公仆,”他说。

5.To provide support and a sense of security to its residents, the Baltimore popce department has a special Jewish Liaison.为了给这里的居民提供支持,并且让他们有安全感,巴尔的摩市警察局专门设立了一个犹太人联络处。

6.Brooke was born in Reistertown near Baltimore in the United States and initially appeared to be a normal healthy baby.布鲁克出生在美国靠近巴尔的摩的Reistertown,刚出生看上去是个正常健康的婴儿。

7.Brown finally agreed to let the train pass over the bridge and continue on to Baltimore. The train left at sunrise.布朗最终同意让火车通过大桥继续开往巴尔的摩,这列火车在天亮时离开了哈珀斯镇。

8.I thought at $89, 000 it would be a steal and I could move on to Baltimore much sooner than I did.我认为在8万9千美金的价格是拣个大便宜,我能比我想的还快的搬到巴尔的摩去。

9.One of her employers recognized Zora's abipties. She made it possible for her to attend high school in Baltimore, Maryland.她的一名雇主发现了她的潜能,她设法让卓拉到马里兰州的巴尔的摩上高中。

10.On that evening a stranger who might have chanced to be in Baltimore could not have gained admission into the great hall for love or money.那天晚上,一个可能由于某种机遇来到巴尔的摩的外地人无论是为了爱或是为了钱都不可能进入大厅。