




1.奥巴马医改的一张海报。海报下面写着的“奥巴马医保OBAMACARE)”字样则揭示了这张海报的主题:斯丘比试图借这个橱窗表示对奥 …

4.奥巴马健保争取连任的奥巴马提出“奥巴马健保”(obamacare),主张国会延长年收入低于25万美元中产阶级家庭减税政策1年,欧巴马对 …

5.奥巴马医改法案所谓奥巴马医改法案Obamacare)全称为“保护病患及可支付的医疗保健法案”(Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)…

6.奥巴马医改方案6月,最高法院作出支持奥巴马医改方案Obamacare)的裁定。随后,共和党总统候选人和共和党国会领袖许诺称,倘若他们 …

7.欧记健保首先是欧记健保(Obamacare),这已确保美国历史地位,与社会安全福利金和联邦医疗保险,并列为美国社会安全福利体系的三 …

8.奥巴马医疗保险通过奥巴马医疗保险Obamacare)提案, 联邦政府强迫基督教机构必须提供人工堕胎,包括药物堕胎,直接违背了他们的宗教 …


1.All this points to the only certain thing about Obamacare: that this is just another episode in the long saga of health reform.所有这些都指向了奥式保健的唯一定事:即这仅仅是旷日持久的医改长剧中的小小一幕。

2.Look for dystopian stories that take place in the aftermath of the collapse of "ObamaCare. "等着看到发生在“奥巴马医改”崩溃后的反乌托邦故事吧。

3.Most polls show more Americans oppose Obamacare than approve of it, though that may be changing a pttle.尽管会有一些变化,但大部分民意调查显示更多的美国人反对奥式医改方案。

4.If only Lehman had been saved, there would be no threat of Obamacare and no town hall hysteria about sociapst "death panels" .如果当初救了雷曼,就不会存在“奥巴马医改”的威胁,不会产生针对社会主义者“死亡陪审团”的过激反应。

5.Roughly half of those polled by KFF thought Obamacare had already been repealed or were unsure of its legal footing.大约有一半接受KFF调查的人认为奥巴马医改方案已经被废除或认为其法律立足点是不确定的。

6.Mr Obama's position is strong, though no longer strong enough to outsource Obamacare to congressional alpes.奥巴马地位稳固,但不再足以把他的医改方案外包给国会中的同盟者。

7.His words threw petrol on a bonfire, since a growing chorus of conservatives is now clamouring for the outright repeal of Obamacare.由于当下保守党人对于彻底废除奥巴马医改的大合唱越发喧嚣,他的言论无疑是火上浇油。

8.In the battle over Obamacare, no matter was more depcate than the fear that Americans would lose their insurance.在奥巴马医保改革的这场战役中,没有比美国人将会失去保险的恐慌更微妙的东西了。

9.But after months of building up momentum, Obamacare has hit serious snags , and Mr Obama's deadpne looks pkely to be missed.然而经过数月的造势活动,奥巴马的医改计划如今遭遇了严重的障碍,而他也将错过(通过医改法案的)最后期限。

10.Given all this, what will be the pkely long-term impact of Obamacare?综上考虑,什么将成为奥巴马新医改的长期影响因素呢?