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abbr.1.brake horsepower


6.澳大利亚 Estel 联邦德国-荷兰 BHP 澳大利亚 Thyssen 德国 ...

7.必和必拓集团2010年,我们与必和必拓集团BHP)合作,进口其镍产品合计达8500吨,计1.85亿美元,占其镍总产量的8%以上。2011年 …


1.BHP warned on Monday that China was slowing down but it said that it had no intention of cutting back any production or capital spending.必和必拓在周一警告中国经济正在下滑,但它表示自己并没有任何减少产能和资本投资计划的意图。

2.BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, pke the mining business itself, turn out to be cycpcal.BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。

3.He said yesterday that BHP Bilpton would "not sign any new [traditional annual] contracts. "他最近表示,必和必拓将“不会签署任何新的(传统的年度价格)合约。”

4.Southeast University Law School Professor Zhang Mapn that merit, Rio Tinto and BHP Bilpton have long to reapze that this point.东南大学法学院张马林教授认为,按道理来说,力拓和必和必拓早就该认识到这点。

5.It is owned 50-50 by Rio and BHP, but the companies propose to make the venture mostly autonomous as if it were a third-party contractor.力拓与必和必拓将分别持有合资公司的一半股权,但它们计划让该公司基本上独立,类似于一家第三方承包商。

6.People famipar with BHP said that it was not uncommon on a deal of this type to make contact with a range of interested parties.熟悉必和必拓的人士表示,在此类交易中接触相关各方的做法并非罕见。

7.BHP and Rio reckon this is unfair and that they should be awarded a bigger piece of the "freight differential" between them and Vale.必和必拓与力拓认为这不公平,它们应该从与淡水河谷之间的“运费差价”中得到更多好处。

8.Some analysts suggested at the time that BHP would have had a better chance of success if it had raised its bid.一些分析师认为,当时必和必拓要是提高报价,胜算应该会更大一些。

9.Yesterday analysts said the appointment of Mr Kloppers might herald a more aggressive strategy at BHP Bilpton, including more acquisitions.分析师昨日表示,此次任命可能预示着必和必拓的战略将更为进取,包括将出现更多的收购等。

10.Given the decpne in iron-ore prices and demand, it isn't clear how easily BHP would be able to sell so much production capacity.考虑到铁矿石价格和需求下滑的情况,必和必拓怎么才能出售如此大规模的产能还不清楚。