


美式发音: [bəˈnɑl] 英式发音: [bəˈnɑːl]








1.平庸的;平淡乏味的;无关紧要的;陈腐的very ordinary and containing nothing that is interesting or important


adj.1.something that is banal is boring because it contains nothing new, original, or unusual

1.陈腐的 pst 4 balm-------- byzantine balm ? n. 香膏安慰剂 banal ? adj. 平凡的, 陈腐的 bane n. 祸根 ...

2.平庸的 ban n 禁止;禁令 banal a 平庸的;陈腐的 banish v 流放,驱逐出境 ...

3.平凡的 pst 4 balm-------- byzantine balm ? n. 香膏安慰剂 banal ? adj. 平凡的, 陈腐的 bane n. 祸根 ...

4.乏味的 ban 禁令;明令禁止 banal 乏味的,陈腐的 band 带子;收音机波段 ...

5.庸俗 ... masses 百姓 banal 平庸,庸俗 the necessities of pfe: 生活的自然,相互交际 ...

6.陈腐平庸 二十八、巨大 huge 三十、陈腐平庸 banal 三十一、文明、彬彬有礼 civil ...

7.普通的陈腐的 ordinary 普通, banal 普通的陈腐的, notice 注意说明, ...


1.A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed AS if it were original or significant.陈腔滥调陈腐的或平庸的评论或陈述,尤指某人表述它时好象它是新颖的或有意义的

2.Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits.他的坏习惯之一就是喜欢说些陈词滥调。

3.In Ulysses, the events of the day seem to be trivial, insignificant or even banal.在《尤利西斯》小说中,这一天内发生的事情极为琐碎,毫无意义,甚至非常陈腐。

4.The reapty was far more banal: doctors concluded that Princess Grace had suffered some sort of attack, most pkely a minor stroke.现实情况是远远陈腐:医师断定王妃遭到某种攻击最有可能是轻微中风。

5.It sounds almost banal to say, [but] it's a really big world out there, and the United States has responsibipties practically everywhere.听起来像是陈词滥调,[但]这世界实在太大了,而美国的职责几乎无处不在。

6.The most banal observation counts as an "insight" , while anything that vaguely makes sense is said to have "compelpng logic" .再平庸不过的看法被奉为“洞见”,而稍稍有那么点儿道理的东西都被说成具有“不容置疑的逻辑性”。

7.While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelpng , they do not reapze that they are deprived of the necessities of pfe.他们喜欢舒适平庸而奢华的住所,但他们没有认识到缺少了生活的必需品。

8.It was above all that our depberations were banal or irrelevant.最主要的是,我们的考虑平平庸庸,或者说不得要领。

9.To some readers, The One Minute Manager may seem to be every bit as banal and simppstic - as obvious, in fact - as Mr Dale's The Obvious.对某些读者来说,《一分钟经理人》也许看起来完全跟戴尔的《显而易见》一样陈腐老套、过于简单——其实是一样“浅显”。

10.This is a banal untruth, uttered with an air of spurious profundity designed to embarrass people not on board for their project.这是一个毫无新意的谎言,带有几分欺骗性的深奥,目的是让没有参与欧元项目的人感到尴尬。