




1.脂质过氧化物机体内脂质过氧化物LPO)的异常积累是人体衰老的主要原因之一 医学临床和实验证明,三七粉能明显提高大鼠脑组织及血 …

2.过氧化脂质  过氧化脂质Lpo)是不饱和脂肪酸经自由基作用所形成的过氧化物。其与超氧化物歧化酶及氧自由基等指标和衰老有关并可做 …

3.血清过氧化脂质升高,血清过氧化脂质(LPO)和心肌中脂褐素含量明显减少,说明补充适量的氟能提高生物体的抗过氧化能力,减少体内衰老色素(脂 …



1.Results Rhodiola extracts significantly decreased the levels of LPO in pver and serum and the higher apoptosis rate of hepatocytes.结果:红景天醇提取物显著降低小鼠肝及血清LPO含量,同时使细胞的高凋亡率显著下降。

2.Objective: To evaluate the role of ppid peroxide (LPO) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) in the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).目的探讨过氧化脂质(LPO)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与胎儿宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)的关系。

3.Though India's legal-process outsourcing (LPO) industry is still small, it is growing fast.尽管印度的法律事务外包工业还很小,增长却很快。

4.SOD were tested with nitrite forming method, LPO were tested with thio -barbitone display method.亚硝酸盐形成法测定SOD,硫代巴比妥显色法测定LPO。

5.Results SOD activity decreased and LPO content increased in early burn wound tissue.结果:烧伤创面组织早期SOD的活性下降,LPO升高。

6.Results Found to risen ET, MDA, LPO in the plasma and the hamatoma, even more marked enhancement in the hamatoma.结果血浆和脑血肿引流物ET、MDA、LPO明显增高,其中脑血肿引流物增高更为显著。

7.Serum CK , LPO were increased during low body temperature period and were found further increased after rewarming.血清CK、LPO含量在低体温期增加,复温后上升更加明显。

8.Objective Radiation Effect on SOD and LPO in tissues and organs of Cavy were studied.目的观察电离辐射对豚鼠组织、器官中SOD、LPO含量的影响。

9.Objective: In order to measurement Lipid peroxide(LPO)easily and exactly in normal laboratories.目的:为方便而准确测定生物体系中的过氧化程度。

10.The number of Indian firms offering LPO services has swelled from 50 in 2005 to more than 140 today.在印度提供法律外包服务的公司数量也从2005年的50家增至今天的140多家。