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un.1.market town and seaport in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.


2.班芙班芙(BANFF)是加拿大最著名的国家公园之一,旅游开发已过百年,每年接待游客数以百万计。置身其间,你会发现那里依然 …

3.班夫镇班夫镇Banff)坐落在班夫国家公园中心,是加拿大落基山脉中最受欢迎的观光点, 被誉为“落基山脉的灵魂”。班夫镇位于卡尔 …

4.班芙镇在班芙镇(Banff)一个好美的小镇.硫磺山(Sulphur Mountain)露易斯湖(Lake Louise)翡翠湖(Lake Emerald)天然桥(Nature Bright), …

5.班夫国家公园  班夫国家公园(Banff)是加拿大第一个国家公园,设立于1885年,以山湖之旅著称, 1999年四月中国总理朱熔基访问Alberta省的 …

6.班芙国家公园  班芙国家公园(Banff)是加拿大第一个也是最古老的国家公园,是世界上第三个最早建立的国家公园,仅次于美国的黄石公园和 …

7.加拿大班芙加拿大班芙(BANFF)国家公园旅游开发已过百年,每年接待游客数以百万计,但置身其间,这里依然山青水绿、鸟歌兽欢,一 …



1.This marvelous area is now one of the leader attractions of Banff National Park.这片美丽非凡的土地现在是BANFF国家公园最主要的旅游胜地之一。

2.A series of grand hotels was built along the main pne and Banff was advertised as an international tourism stopover on the steel highway.铁路主要沿线地区相继建成一些大旅馆,班夫也作为这条钢铁高速路上的国际旅游中转站而被大肆宣传。

3.It was not until she returned to Banff in July that Mila understood why she could not enjoy the fur from the furriers.直到Mila7月再次回到班夫时才明白,为什么自己不会喜欢来自皮毛商的皮毛。

4.My husband and I were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park-Canada when we stopped for a timed picture of the two of us.我的丈夫和我是在探索米利万卡湖在班夫国家公园-加拿大当我们停下来一段时间拍照我们中的两个。

5.After a day of nature and invigoration, a transition back to civipzation is eased by the welcoming Banff downtown area.经过一整天湖光山色的洗礼后再前往热闹的班芙市区,于是从大自然美景到现代文明之间的转化就这样简单。

6.Bow Lake in Alberta's Banff National Park presents a perfect canvas to mirror the beauty of the Canadian Rockies.加拿大阿尔伯塔班芙国家公园的弓湖如同一面镜子,倒映出加拿大落基山脉的美轮美奂。

7.For a long time, Mila would roam the stores of Banff looking at and touching the beautiful furs therein.有很长时间,Mila会漫游在班夫(Banff)的商店中,观看并触摸其中美丽的皮毛。

8.Banff has a rich history going back to the creation of Canada as a nation.班夫国家公园具有悠久的历史,最早要追溯到加拿大建国伊始。

9.Hikers pause to take in the majestic view overlooking Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.加拿大亚伯达省的班夫国家公园里,徒步旅行者在高处驻足欣赏路易斯湖的壮观景色。

10.Banff National Park is the Canada's oldest and best national park, hidden in the majestic Rocky Mountains.班夫国家公园是加拿大最古老也是最好的国家公园,隐藏在雄伟的洛矶山脉中。