


美式发音: [bæŋ'kɔk] 英式发音: [bæŋˈkɔk]





n.1.[City]the capital of Thailand2.[Travel]capital city and port on the Chao Phraya River, just north of the Gulf of Thailand, southern Thailand

1.曼谷 Bangalore 班加罗尔- 印度 Bangkok 曼谷- 泰国 Barcelona 巴塞罗那- 西班牙 ...

3.泰国曼谷 SAN FRANCISCO 美国旧金山 BANGKOK 泰国曼谷 靠背枕抱枕 PILLOW ...

4.泰国曼谷国际机场 明星品牌: Cartier、Hermes。 泰国曼谷国际机场 BANGKOK 最值一购:英国的药房品牌 BOOTS ...

5.曼谷泰国 Baltimore 巴尔的摩美国 Bangkok 曼谷泰国 Barcelona 巴塞罗那美国 ...

6.泰国便将首都简称为本国国民为了便利兼顾外国游客,于是泰国便将首都简称为Bangkok)。曼谷的泰文全名为: 根据2004年人口普查,曼谷共 …

7.曼谷市曼谷市(BANGKOK) 1993.05.26 2 山东烟台市 普吉府(PHUKET) 1997.11.04 3 云南昆明市 清迈市(CHIANG MAI/C)

8.酒店位于曼谷  该酒店位于曼谷Bangkok)中央商务区的中心以及著名的使馆区,该酒店是这个城市最新的商务胜地。提供一流国际商务酒店 …


1.The next day he declared a state of emergency in Bangkok to disperse the protesters.他在第二天宣布曼谷进入紧急状态以驱散抗议者。

2.Only a handful of protesters might be allowed to travel to Bangkok's remand prison where their colleagues are being held.只有一小部分的抗议者可能被允许前往他们的同胞被关押的曼谷监狱。

3.The question is whether the goods are to be repacked at Bangkok since the charges for special packing are excluded from our price.问题是这批货物是否要在曼谷重新包装,因为这项包装费没有包含在我方的价格里。

4.The airport was still closed last night, although most of the passengers had managed to leave for hotels in Bangkok and elsewhere.素万那普国际机场昨夜仍处于关闭状态,不过多数旅客已前往曼谷及其他地方的酒店。

5.Nor was his reputation helped by his fomenting of red-shirted riots in April, when he called for a "people's revolution" in Bangkok.而且由于在四月号召发动“人民革命”,在首都曼谷掀起了红衫军骚乱,他信的名誉也受到了损害。

6.In Bangkok an Iranian man blew his legs off with a grenade while trying to flee after similar devices were found.在曼谷,类似的爆炸案发生后,一名伊朗人企图逃跑。他扔了一枚手榴弹,却炸断了自己的双腿。

7.Just a month earper, before I stepped off the plane in bustpng Bangkok, I had been utterly depressed.就在一个月前,在我在繁忙的曼谷走下飞机的时候,我还是一脸沮丧绝望。

8.My Bangkok gallery sold one of my pieces to a bank for its courtyard's inaugural, and I flew there for the opening.有一次,曼谷的一家画廊卖了我的一件作品给某银行新建的庭院,于是我飞去参加揭幕。

9.How much for a one-way ticket to Bangkok?去曼谷的单程票多少钱?

10.Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang Mai have rattled the pubpc.曼谷仍然处在紧急状态,而曼谷和北部城市清迈的一系列炸弹袭击,也让群众十分不安。