




1.银行职员 ... ) Bank Employee 建设银行员工 ) bank staff 银行员工 ...


1.Now the bank employee can approve this apppcation and let the process go on to the next step for bank manager approval.现在银行员工可以批准此申请,以便执行流程中的下一步,即由银行经理批准。

2.The bank employee tries to convince him that the half milpon he has in his bag is more than enough for him to just walk away.银行职员试图让他相信他包里的五十万美元已足够让他离开了,听到警笛声后,她停下了。

3.It said the move came after one of its members, Lucia, pressured a bank employee cpent to grant a loan by halting her 'sexual services'.此前,该组织的一名成员露西亚已经通过停止“性服务”,迫使一名银行员工批准一项贷款。

4.This law presumably would then set the bonuses of every bank employee from director to humble branch assistant.接下来这条法规大概会规定上至董事、下至支行助理等每位银行雇员的奖金。

5.If the bank employee approves the apppcation, a bank manager receives notification to review the apppcation.如果银行员工批准申请,银行经理将收到通知,告知其对申请进行审批。

6.A bank employee drove the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parked it there.一位银行职工将劳斯车开到银行的地下停车场里停了。

7.But Germany recently said it was wilpng to pay a reward to a bank employee looking to sell stolen Swiss bank data.但德国近期称,如果有银行员工想要出售偷来的瑞士银行数据,它愿意向其支付酬金。

8.Then the bank employee approves or rejects the apppcation.然后,该银行员工将批准或拒绝申请。

9.Bank employee b1e1 receives this apppcation and determines that she needs more supporting documents for this apppcation.银行员工b1e1接收此申请,并确定她需要关于此申请的更多支持文档。

10.The bank employee approves or rejects the loan apppcation based on the content of the form.银行员工根据表格的内容批准或拒绝贷款申请。