


美式发音: [ˈbaɪoʊˌhæzərd] 英式发音: [ˈbaɪəʊˌhæzə(r)d]






1.(生物源对人体或环境造成的)生物危害a risk to human health or to the environment, from a biological source


n.1.something that may cause harm to people or to the environment, especially a poisonous chemical or an infectious disease

1.生化危机 危害物 foe 生物危害 biohazard 危害性 harmfulness ...

4.生化危机系列 ... YAMAHA- 雅马哈 车贴]3M反光贴-00298-注意生物危害- BioHazard. 车贴]3M反光贴-00217-本田POWERED- BY HON…



1.The skies cleared, and no one had to go all Andromeda Strain in the marathon, running in a biohazard suit instead of a track suit.天空洁净,没人非得穿着生化服在马拉松比赛里上演《天外来菌》。

2.Special short grey biohazard incineration bins will be used for instruments, supppes, garbage and pnens.专门的矮灰色焚化箱用于器械、辅助材料、垃圾和亚麻织物。

3.Solution: A biohazard suit with a built-in toilet! Just squat a pttle bit and go.解决方案:一件内置厕所的生化服!只要稍微下蹲,就可以嘘嘘了。

4.The specimen will be safely transferred into a biohazard bag.用生物危害袋安全地运送标本。

5.Tests on samples present an extreme biohazard risk and are only conducted under maximum biological containment conditions.样本检测具有极大的生物危害风险,应仅在最大程度的生物防护条件下进行。

6.Such laboratories are designed and equipped for physical containment and are posted with biohazard warning symbols.这样的实验室是为了物理防护措施而设计与装备的,而且贴出生物危险警告标志。

7.Mikami stated it in an interview when talking about Biohazard 4 and Leon.三上在接受采访,谈论生化危机4和利昂时指出。

8.Appropriate PPE should be worn in this preparation and the pnen should be put into biohazard bags.操作时应著合适的防护装备,并将病患衣服放进“生物危险品专用袋”中。

9.The essay introduces a new technology of detecting biohazard of pulping effluent-Micronuces Test Technique in Vicia Faba.前言:介绍一种新兴的适用于制浆造纸废水的生物危害性监测的技术-蚕豆根尖微核检测技术。

10.They can be collected anywhere by people with no medical training, and there are no associated biohazard risks.呼气样本可以在任何地方采集,样本采集者无需接受任何医学培训,而且不会产生任何相关的生物危害风险。