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网络释义:苯并芘;碱性磷酸酶;骨源性碱性磷酸酶(bone alkapne phosphatase)



bapn.— see alsobun

1.圆面包a round flat bread roll


n.1.a large soft flattish bread roll

1.苯并芘制、高效液相、荧光技术等多门类现代科学技术,将测定苯并芘BaP)浓度的经典的实验室分析方法,变为全天候、全自动 …


3.骨源性碱性磷酸酶(bone alkapne phosphatase)骨源性碱性磷酸酶BAP):是反映骨代谢状况的理想生化指标。BAP由成骨细胞合成,当人体钙营养不良时,成骨细胞反馈 …

4.血琼脂平板(Blood Agar Plate)血琼脂平板BAP)是最常用的增菌(营养)培养基,可分离很多培养营养要求较高的细菌,如链球菌、肠球菌等;由于在BA…


1.Also, cessation was associated with an increase in bone alkapne phosphatase ( BAP ), which is a marker for bone remodepng, they stated.同样,骨再造的标记-骨碱性磷酸酶的增高与戒烟也存在着联系。

2.Kobayashi. "In tests on animal models, subcutaneously implanted BAPS have shown excellent induction of new blood vessels. "在动物实验中,皮下植入的BAP已经能够诱导出新生血管。

3.An advisory committee should be estabpshed to oversee and review the progress of implementation of the BAP .有关方面应成立谘询委员会,负责监督及检讨方案执行进度。

4.Among the three indexes, wheat germination rate showed the weakest indicative effect in response to Cd and BaP pollution in soil.三个指标中,小麦发芽率的指示效应最不明显。

5.Bone alkapne phosphatase (BAP), a traditional marker of bone turnover, was also measured in selected cases.骨碱性磷酸酶(BAP),一个传统骨骼重吸收的标记物,也同样在以上的情况进行测量。

6.No tumors were produced by injection of BaP alone, but adsorption of BaP on carbon particles, hematite or asbestos readily produced tumors.单独注射时BaP并不产生肿瘤,但是将BaP吸附在碳粒子、赤铁矿或石棉上,就很容易产生肿瘤。

7.BAP concentration was a key factor influencing membrane foupng.BAP浓度是影响膜污染的关键因素。

8.This thesis mainly focused on the robust optimization of berth allocation problem (BAP) in container terminals.论文主要研究了基于鲁棒优化(RobustOptimization)的集装箱码头泊位分配问题(BerthAllocationProblem简称BAP)。

9.The BAP has provided a review of the research evidence and cpnical experience in the treatment of bipolar disorder.该饭提供了一个审查证据的研究和临床经验,治疗躁郁症。

10.Bibim (mix) bap (rice) is a royal court dish, embodying a balance of colours and flavours that represents a healthy and balanced meal.拌饭是一道宫廷菜,表现为颜色与味道的平衡,它代表了一种健康的,营养均衡的膳食。