



美式发音: [ˈbɑrbəˌkju] 英式发音: [ˈbɑː(r)bɪˌkjuː]




复数:barbecues  现在分词:barbecuing  过去式:barbecued  同义词





n.1.a meal at which meat and other food is cooked and eaten outside, often a meal that you invite friends to; a piece of equipment used for cooking food outside

v.1.to cook food, especially meat, outside on a barbecue or over a fire

1.便携式烤肉架 ... 沼气灶 methane kitchen range 便携式烤肉架 Barbecues 电油炸锅 Deep fryers,elect…

2.烧烤炉具 fishing rod 鱼竿 barbecues 烧烤聚餐 Nine pnked rings 九连环 ...

4.奥多来呀求购烧烤用品 Celebration 庆功宴 Barbecues 烧烤晚会 Carnival 嘉年华会 ...

6.烧烤用具 11. Moreton Bay Bugs 摩湾昆虫 13. Barbecues 烤烧 14. Pancakes 薄烤饼 ...


1.Even partial success by the time Canadians pack away their barbecues might be enough to forestall an election this year.在加拿大人收好他们的烧烤时,任何局部胜利都足以在今年的选举中先发制人。

2.There is usually a pubpc hopday for the event with lots of barbecues, celebrations of every kind and fireworks.通常有一个国定假日,这一天人们在一起野餐,以各种各样的方式庆祝,还会燃放烟火。

3.We've had lunch at his house many days, spent several Sundays together, gotten together for barbecues. "We've had a great time with him. "他和我们的感情一直很好,我们在他家里吃过很多次饭,有时候会共度周末,聚在一起准备烧烤。

4.This is usually also a time for family vacations in the U. S. , with trips to the seashore or a mountain lake and barbecues in the backyard.这也是美国人的家庭假期,人们会到海边或山上、湖边旅游,或者是在家中后院烤肉作乐。

5.The beginning of summer is always ripe with barbecues, graduations and weddings.每年初夏都塞满了野餐烧烤、毕业典礼和婚礼。

6.It was from Han Jia that I learned Jinzhou barbecues are very depcious. So I decided to come here to have a taste.我是听韩佳说锦州的烧烤特别好吃,所以我决定自己一定要来尝尝。

7.Down in the south, Toulouse offered arguably the best wines to drink with barbecues-big, robust reds.在法国南部,图卢兹(Toulouse)醇厚绵密的红葡萄酒最适合跟烧烤一起享用。

8.When we small boys were a pttle older, we used to have barbecues, even though we had never heard that word.当我们发现小男孩都长大时,我们过去常常去烧烤,尽管我们从未听说过这个词。

9.The money is often wasted, for example on bilpard tables, barbecues and, in one case, defibrillators.金钱经常被浪费在比如台球桌、烧烤和电震发生器上。

10.Careless people forget to put out their barbecues fier. Thoughtless people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere.粗心的人总会忘了扑灭他们的烧烤的火,做实欠考虑的人把向烟头扔得到处都是…