


美式发音: [ˈsutər] 英式发音: [ˈsuːtə(r)]






1.求婚者a man who wants to marry a particular woman

2.有意收购另一公司的公司a company that wants to buy another company


n.1.a man who wants to get married to a particular woman2.a company that wants to buy another company

1.求婚者 competitior n 比赛者 suitor n 求婚者 janitor n 看门人 ...

2.原告 progenitor 祖先,始祖 suitor 求婚者,(法律)原告 mentor 导师 ...

3.请愿者 ... suite n. 一套(家具),套房,随从人员 suitor n. 求婚者,诉讼人,原告,求情者,请愿者 sulfate n. 硫酸盐 ...

4.起诉者 suite 套房 suitor 起诉者 sulfur 硫磺 ...

5.追求者 adjudge1. 判决;裁决(案件) suitor1. 追求者,求爱者 ptigate2. 起诉,控告 ...

7.起诉人 suite 套套间 suitor 起诉人 sujee 苛性硷水苛性硷水 ...

8.请求者 ... encyclopedia n.百科全书 六级词汇 suitor n.原告;请求者;求爱者 四级词汇 heroine n.女英雄;女主人公 四级词 …


1.Now it happened that the first suitor was an old man with squint eyes and a cough.也真不凑巧,第一个求婚的是个老头儿,此人长着一双斜眼不说,还老咳嗽。

2."Well, " elaborated my flannel suitor, "It smelled pke waking up in the morning, you know, comfortable, but excited too . . . and roses. "“是这样,”我那位身着法兰绒的追求者解释道,“它闻起来就像是清晨醒来,你知道的,那种舒适却又兴奋的感觉……还有,玫瑰花的味道。”

3.He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him. "他想:“如果有一个有身份的求婚者向女儿求婚,我会同意的。”

4.Nasdaq and ICE may not have the buying power to make it a more attractive suitor than Deutsche Boerse.纳斯达克和洲际交易所可能没有实力提出比德意志交易所更具吸引力的方案。

5.A Victorian suitor would be expected to satisfy a girl's father that he could support her in the manner to which she was accustomed.维多利亚时期总是希望求婚者向女方的父亲保证他能供养其女,让她过上和她以往一样的舒适讲究的生活。

6.The girl knew nothing about her suitor's exertions . He said he had wanted to surprise her.这名女孩对于她的追求者的努力毫无所悉。这名男孩说,他想给女方一个惊喜。

7.He made up his mind to once more become a suitor to her hand.他下决心再一次向她求婚。

8.In an era of well-documented emotional restraint, a woman would be able to tell the secret meaning behind a suitor's bouquet.在情感无法自由表达的时代,女人能够从追求者送的花束中读出隐藏的信息。

9.She had been courted by a wealthy suitor, whose addresses her mother had favoured, not withstanding the objection of old age and deformity.曾经有一个有钱的人向她求婚,她母亲爱上他的财产,就不管他又老又残废。

10.She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。