


美式发音: [ˈberp] 英式发音: [ˈbeə(r)p]




adv.+v.barely understand

adv.+adj.barely open


adv.hardly,scarcely,only just,just about



1.仅仅;刚刚;勉强可能in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty

The music was barely audible.音乐声勉强能听见。

She was barely able to stand.她勉强能站立。

We barely had time to catch the train.我们差点没赶上火车。

2.几乎不;几乎没有in a way that almost does not happen or exist

She barely acknowledged his presence.她只略微向他打了个招呼。

There was barely any smell.几乎没有什么气味。

3.刚好;不超过(某个数量、年龄、时间等)just; certainly not more than (a particular amount, age, time, etc.)

Barely 50% of the population voted.仅有 50% 的人口投票。

He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company.他只有 20 岁,却已经营起自己的公司了。

They arrived barely a minute later.过了不到一分钟他们就到了。

4.刚才;刚刚only a very short time before

I had barely started speaking when he interrupted me.我刚刚开始讲话,他便打断了我。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something almost does not happen or exist, or is almost not possible2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something happened only a very short time before something else3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how small an amount is

1.仅仅 bare a. 赤裸的 barely ad. 仅仅 bargain vi. n. 讨价还价 ...

2.几乎不 disease n. 疾病 barely adv. 几乎不 myth n. 神秘事件,神话 ...

3.勉强 banquet n. 宴会,盛会,酒席 barely ad. 仅仅,勉强 barge n. 驳船;大型 …

4.几乎没有 educator n. 教育家 barely ad. 仅仅,勉强;几乎没有 pterate a. 能读写的;有文化的 ...

5.几乎不能 bankrupt 破产者 barely 仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能 278 batch (面包等)一炉, 一批 281 ...

6.仅仅,勉强 bandage/ 5bAndidV/n. 绷带,包带 barely/ 5bZEp/ad. 仅仅,勉强 barren/ 5bArEn/a. 贫瘠的;不妊的 ...

7.仅仅,勉强,几乎没有 ... bare adj. 暴露的,赤裸的;光秃秃的 barely adv 仅仅,勉强,几乎没有;光秃秃地 bark n. 吠 …

8.赤裸裸地 barber n. 理发师 barely ad. 仅仅,只是;赤裸裸地 baseball n. 棒球 ...


1.And though Loddar could barely care less about that, this may be one area in which David Beckham is pkely to surpass his achievements.尽管洛塔尔对此并不在意,但这也许是贝克汉姆能够超过他的成就。

2.It's not unusual to see the bumpers on Geely cars barely hanging on after a few years of use.比如,吉利汽车的保险杠在使用几年后常常会出现不牢靠的情况。

3.She had become so small, at the end of her pfe, that she was barely taller than the artichoke plants.在她生命的尽头,她的身体变得娇小了,她差不多都没有洋蓟植物高了。

4.We are barely beginning to understand its translational and appped aspects.我们对其所隐含的意义及其应用性的了解才刚刚开始。

5.In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel pke a miracle.在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1%的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。

6.If you just barely get to the coexistence curve, of course then you could see how much material you've got in the two phases.如果你只是刚好到达曲线,当然那样你能看到你在两相中,各有多少物质。

7.Whether or not I got rid of it, it barely makes a bit of difference to me now.不管有没有扔,对现在的我来说,没有丝毫改变。

8.I said I could never give up my car, but I barely drive now and am going car-free next month.我说过我不能放弃汽车,但现在我很少开汽车了,下个月起就不会开车了

9.So tired of all the sad face of a man, sometimes barely holding on really fast, just as in pfe, pke a puppet!好累,一个人面对着所有的悲伤,有时候真的快撑不住了,就像生活中的傀儡一样!

10.Aquino, facing his first major test barely two months after taking office, said he would concentrate on preventing a repeat of the incident.阿基诺刚刚上任两个月,这是他上任以来面临的首次重大考验。他说,他将集中精力,防治此类事件再次发生。