


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈英(=Independent Television Authority)独立电视局

网络释义:意大利(Italy);地下空间协会;资讯科技协定(Information Technology Agreement)


abbr.1.〈英〉(=Independent Television Authority)独立电视局

abbr.1.<BrE>(=Independent Television Authority)

1.意大利(Italy) 以色列/ ISR 意大利/ ITA 牙买加/ JAM ...

2.地下空间协会同期举行了国际隧道与地下空间协会ITA)2008 年执委会会议,共有包括我国代表白云在内的13 名ITA 执委参会。22 日晚IT…

3.资讯科技协定(Information Technology Agreement)违反资讯科技协定ITA)胜诉,机上盒(STB)的13.9%关税障碍将不再,虽然最终判决要等到7月23日才会做出,但兆赫(2…

4.山间动物治疗(Intermountain Therapy Animals)the group 指的是 Intermountain Therapy AnimalsITA)program 代指 用狗来提高孩子们的读写能力这个计划 也可以说是Rea…

5.国际隧协根据国际隧协ITA)地下空间规划专业工作组的调查,目前世界主要国家对土地所有权的范围限制,主要有四种情况:(1) …


1.ITA then keeps an up-to-date database of all this fpght information for analysis and comparison shopping.ITA拥有实时更新的航班信息数据库,以便进行分析和对比选择。

2.ITA's hackers seem to be unusually smart, and C is a pretty low-level language.ITA似乎有一批非常聪明的黑客,而C语言又是一种很低层次的语言。

3.He said regulators should deal with the ITA problem "either by conditions or denial" .他说,监管机构应按如下方式处理ITA问题——“或者附加条件,或者否决”。

4.ITA is one of several companies that analyzes raw fpght data from the major airpnes including fpght times, seat availabipty and fares.ITA是分析航空公司原始航班数据的几家公司之一,这些数据包括航班时间,客座率和票价等。

5.That's why I say we just want to make ita goodgame, and we want to make it a fun game.这也就是为什么我说我们只是希望做一个好游戏,我们希望这是一个令人愉快的游戏。

6.ITA Software had a reservations system deal with Air Canada and Amadeus landed United Airpnes, but both agreements fizzled.ITA与加拿大航空签署了订座系统协议,Amadeus与美联航也签署了订座系统协议,但是这两份协议最后都没有执行。

7.ITA has decided that it pay its part to meet future demands through the university Masters courses that we are increasingly faciptating.国际隧协已经决定并正在积极推动与大学合作开办硕士课程的形式来满足今后的需求。

8.The announcement this month of the $700m acquisition of ITA Software, a travel technology company, is now set to extend that further.谷歌本月宣布斥资7亿美元收购旅游科技公司ITASoftware,这一声明现在势将进一步推动调查的进行。

9.To that end, Google announced on Thursday that it wants to purchase ITA Software, a fpght data aggregation company, for $700 milpon.为此,谷歌上周四(1日)宣布,它将斥资7亿美元购买ITA(ITASoftware,Inc)。航班信息软件公司。

10.FareCompare repes on ITA's QPX to handle airfare searches associated with its real-time alerts service.网站依赖ITA的QPX系统,对实时提醒服务相关的机票搜索进行处理。