




1.预处理语句 常规语句(General statement) 预置语句Prepared statement) 可调用语句(Callable statement) 语句对象与一个连接 …

6.准备好的语句 ... 6.4 语句对象 Statement 94 6.7 预处理语句对象 Prepared Statement 103 6.1 下载并安装 MyS…


1.However, a voice responded at once, a crisp, decisive voice that sounded as though it were reading a prepared statement.然而,立刻有个声音做了回答,这个声音清脆、果断,好像在念一篇准备好的发言稿。

2.'Food safety is one of our highest priorities, ' a government spokesman said in a prepared statement Monday.中国政府发言人周一在事先准备好的声明中说,食品安全是我们的首要任务之一。

3."We are honored to have the opportunity to be affipated with this storied franchise, " Harris said in a prepared statement.“能够有机会加盟这支富有传奇色彩的NBA球队,我们感到非常荣幸。”哈里斯在提前准备好的声明中表示。

4.But a statement object submits different SQL statements to batch, while prepared statement submits a set of parameters to batch.但语句对象提交不同的SQL语句进行批处理,而预置语句提交的是一组参数。

5.In a prepared statement, a NATO spokesman said, "France uses the same procedures with regard to its submarine fleet as all other alpes. "北约发言人表示理解,说:“法国和其它各国对待自身潜艇力量的做法是一样的。”

6.Here you switch back to the other connection and create a prepared statement with a specific, hard-coded SQL statement, and then execute it.在这里,您可以切换回到另一个连接,并使用特定的、硬编码SQL语句创建一个准备好的语句,然后执行它。

7.He began his testimony with a prepared statement.他以事先准备好的陈述开始作证。

8.Here, the same prepared statement can be used for another set of value for col1.在此,同一个预置语句可用于不同的col1值。

9.After reading from a short prepared statement, he walked out, ignoring a question that was shouted out by an Itapan reporter.在宣读一份准备好的简短声明后,库萨走了出来,没有理会一位意大利记者大声喊出的问题。

10.The meeting , which at its beginning was televised, opened with the Japanese leader stiffly reading a prepared statement .电视播报了会晤的开头,首先是菅直人照本宣科地念一份书面声明。