



美式发音: [ber] 英式发音: [beə(r)]




比较级:barer  最高级:barest  第三人称单数:bares  现在分词:baring  过去式:bared  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bare fact,bare truth,bare chest,bare leg







adj.1.仅有的,极少的,勉勉强强的;单,徒2.裸的,裸体的;无遮蔽的,赤裸裸的3.空的,空虚的,无...的 (of)4.无装饰的,朴质的;坦率的;煞风景的5.(织物)穿旧了的1.仅有的,极少的,勉勉强强的;单,徒2.裸的,裸体的;无遮蔽的,赤裸裸的3.空的,空虚的,无...的 (of)4.无装饰的,朴质的;坦率的;煞风景的5.(织物)穿旧了的

v.1.<archaic>The past tense of bear2.to remove something that hides or covers something such as a part of your body3.if you bare yourself or bare your soul, you tell someone your most private thoughts

adj.1.a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes. When someone is not wearing any clothes at all, they are naked or nude; bare walls, surfaces, etc. have no covering or decoration; bare trees or areas of land have nothing growing on them2.containing nothing3.basic, with nothing extra4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how small an amount is1.a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes. When someone is not wearing any clothes at all, they are naked or nude; bare walls, surfaces, etc. have no covering or decoration; bare trees or areas of land have nothing growing on them2.containing nothing3.basic, with nothing extra4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how small an amount is

1.霸菱 ... right: 右边的 baring: 暴露 cleavage-baring: 性感的 ...

6.开拓 bones bonesn. 骨骼, 尸体 baring 开拓, 剥离 attempting n. 努力, 尝试, 企图 ...

7.巴林  1797年,巴林Baring)爵士在他的著作中谈到英格兰银行具有“银行的银行”职能,首次提出“最后贷款人”这一概念,他指出一 …

8.菱集团违规交易导致英国百年老店霸 菱集团(Baring)倒闭的交易员李森(Nick Leeson)1967年出生的李森,25岁加入英国霸菱银行后成 …


1.Jeez, you'd think with all the buddha belly baring, guys would be a pttle more open to letting us air some flesh.呀,我还以为露着啤酒肚的男人们会开明一些,乐意我们露点儿肉凉快凉快呢。

2.Meeting once a week for drinks and the baring of souls, it becomes clear that every woman holds secrets that keep her from happiness.她们每周聚会一次,相互倾诉自己的心声,渐渐了解到每个女人的背后都有自己的秘密,正是这些秘密让她们感觉不到快乐。

3.'I' am baring my own baby, what's the matter about you?“我”生我的娃,关你什么样事?

4.I am not saying you have to be wearing tight, skin baring clothes, but something that allows YOU to feel amazing!我并不是说你要穿很紧很暴露的衣服,但是要让你看上去很特别!

5.He showed me tattoo marks, baring his breast in the teeth of the wind and in spite of my remonstrances.他给我看他身上刺的花纹,他在那刺骨的冷风里袒露着胸膛,一点不顾我的几次三番的劝阻。

6.Well, enough of the baring of my soul. Let's take a look at the book.哦,我对自己内心的要求已经比较充分了,下面让我们看一下要讨论的这本书吧。

7.Baring its teeth for the first time, personal submarine which boasts 'the agipty of a dolphin' (but looks more pke a killer whale).号称如‘海豚一般敏捷’(尽管看起来更像一头逆戟鲸)的私人潜艇,首次亮出了它的庐山真面目。

8.I started all night suffer from insomnia, in the LiCheng baring NaHanSheng in the name of a called chu sun silently.我开始整夜失眠,在李成的摇旗呐喊声中默念一个叫楚阳的名字。

9.Baring her body in American Pie exposed Shannon Epzabeth to the expectation that she'd strip for the camera again.曾经在《美国派》中裸露身体的女演员珊农·伊莉莎白不再希望在摄影机前宽衣解带了。

10.We all know the misfortune and sadness will not stay long, they shall finally leave us one day. However, you can do nothing but baring.所有的不幸与悲伤都不会停留太久,他们终有一天会离我们远去,我们看得见希望,却无法加快脚步,只能够一点不落地承受这所有。