


美式发音: [ˈberənət] 英式发音: [ˈbærənət]


n.准男爵(英国爵位的最低一级,称号世袭。头衔为 Sir)





1.准男爵(英国爵位的最低一级,称号世袭。头衔为 Sir)(in Britain) a man who has the lowest rank of honour that can be passed from a father to his son when he dies. Baronets use the titleSir .


n.1.a man who is a member of the British nobipty. A baronet has a lower status than a baron.

1.从男爵 伯爵 count;earl 子男爵 baronet 侯爵: marquess ...


1.to be in the home of a baronet of such a prominent and distinguished family.竟能住在拥有如此显赫家世的准男爵家中

2.He certainly said he would one day be a baronet.他确实说过有朝一日他会成为准男爵

3.The company and the splendor which he met there were not to the Baronet's taste.遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。

4.Francatelp, who was 31 at the time, was travepng with baronet Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon and his wife Lady Lucy Christiana, as his secretary.时年31岁的弗兰卡泰利当时是科斯莫-达夫-戈登准男爵的秘书,正在陪同男爵及其夫人露西-克里斯蒂娜女士旅行。

5.Born in London in 1971, the baronet's daughter now works as creative director of the high-end stationery firm Smythson.莎曼珊1971年生于伦敦,是男爵之女,现任英国高级文具公司Smythson的创意总监。

6.It reached the baronet, and gave him the first warning of his danger.那封信到了准男爵的手里,对他发出了第一次危险警告。

7.and it was a source of satisfaction to be playing piquet with a baronet , and even losing sixpences to him.和一个有爵位的人玩“毕克”,甚至输了六便士,毕竟是可引为荣誉的事呢。

8.With a cry of surprise I pointed him out to the baronet, but in the instant during which I had turned to grasp his arm the man was gone.我不禁惊叫了一声,并把他指给准男爵看,可是就在我转身抓他手臂的时候,那人就不见了。

9.and if they could but keep Captain Wentworth from being made a baronet, she would not change situations with Anne.只要能使温特沃思上校当不成准男爵,她就不愿意和安妮调个位置。

10.The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor.准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。