


美式发音: [bəˈrɑʒ] 英式发音: [ˈbærɑːʒ]



第三人称单数:barrages  现在分词:barraging  过去式:barraged  同义词反义词





1.[c][ususing]火力网;弹幕射击;(尤指)掩护炮火the continuous firing of a large number of guns in a particular direction, especially to protect soldiers while they are attacking or moving towards the enemy

2.[sing]~ (of sth)接二连三的一大堆(质问或指责等)a large number of sth, such as questions or comments, that are directed at sb very quickly, one after the other, often in an aggressive way

a barrage of questions/criticisms/complaints连珠炮似的问题╱批评╱抱怨

3.[c]堰;水坝;拦河坝a wall or barrier built across a river to store water, prevent a flood, etc.


n.1.an attack during which an army continuously fires guns, drops bombs etc. for a long time2.a lot of criticisms, complaints, or questions directed at one person3.a wall built across a river in order to control the level of the water

v.1.if you are barraged by criticisms, complaints, or questions, you have to deal with a large number of them at the same time

1.弹幕 mirage 幻影,海市蜃楼 barrage 火力网,弹幕 outrage 残暴、暴行 ...

2.拦河坝 tidal plants 潮汐发电站 barrage 拦河坝,堰 estuary 河口,江口 ...

3.火力网 mirage 幻影,海市蜃楼 barrage 火力网,弹幕 outrage 残暴、暴行 ...

4.堰 巴奈斯公式 Barnes formula Barrage 取心筒,取管 Barrel, core ...

5.阻塞 baritone n 男中音 barrage n 阻塞,遮断 barricade n 障碍物 ...

6.火网 火腿〖 ham〗 火网〖 firenet;barrage〗 火险〖 fireinsurance〗 ...

7.弹幕射击 强风射击 Powershot 弹幕射击 Barrage 天神下凡 Avatar ...

8.掩护炮火 boundary n. 界线,边界 21. barrage n. 掩护炮火,弹幕,多如弹雨之物, barrel n. 大桶,枪 …


1.The U. S. said the naval drills are 'defensive' in nature and had been planned before last Tuesday's artillery barrage by the North.美国说,此次海上军演从本质上来说是“防御性质的”,是在23日朝鲜炮袭之前就已计划好的。

2.Meanwhile, the state-run media keep up a barrage of messages aimed at just this sort of "picky" educated woman.而同时,各大媒体也开始通过各种信息方式,朝这些挑剔的知识女性“发起攻击”。

3.No one would have complained that China had not followed its creeping barrage of fireworks with a hepcopter.假如中国主办方没有出动直升机跟踪拍摄徐徐延伸的焰火齐放,没有人会提出抱怨。

4.Stevenson and other Democrats, led by DNC Chairman Stephen Mitchell, zeroed in on me with a barrage of attacks.史蒂文森和其它民主党人在民主党全国委员会主席斯蒂芬·米切尔的领导下,集中力量对我发起了连珠炮式的进攻。

5.The meeting of the two European leaders took place in the shadow of the latest barrage of released U.这两位欧洲领导人的会晤笼罩在最近被公布的一连串美国外交电报的阴影中。

6.That said, you will pkely be met with a well mixed enemy barrage poised and ready to strike.这就是说,你可能会遭遇一支混编非常好火力非常平衡的敌人。

7.A barrage of strikes, work stoppages and sit-ins will peak with a paralysing two-day general walk-out on Wednesday.接二连三的罢工、停产和静坐将在周三至一次为期两天的全民游行时达到顶峰。

8.Officials said the city had been hit by a barrage of mortars.官员们说,巴格达还遭到了迫击炮的密集攻击。

9.While complying with the orders of his mistress, he braves a barrage of criticism from his mistress.尽管他遵守女主人的指令,他还是要勇敢承受女主人的一大堆批评。

10.Mr Rosser said the barrage would cause "massive ecological disruption" and distract from alternatives.罗瑟表示巨坝工程将导致「大规模生态崩溃」,而且这计画已经偏离了选择。