



美式发音: [dɪˈzæstər] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɑːstə(r)]



复数:disasters  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.natural disaster,major disaster,terrible disaster,utter disaster,total disaster

v.+n.avert disaster,spell disaster,avoid disaster,cause disaster,suffer disaster





n.1.something very bad that happens and causes a lot of damage or kills a lot of people2.something that is annoying or a failure, but is not really very bad

1.灾难 ovulation n. 排卵, 产卵作用 disasters n. 灾难, 天灾, 灾祸 intentional adj. 有意图的, 故意的 ...

2.灾害 天气 Weather 灾害 Disasters 环保 Environmental Protection ...

3.关于灾难 我人生的真正考验( A real test ... 关于灾难Disasters) 北京( Beijing) ...

4.天灾 ovulation n. 排卵, 产卵作用 disasters n. 灾难, 天灾, 灾祸 intentional adj. 有意图的, 故意的 ...

5.灾难回顾 ... unit 1 campus( 校园内外) unit 2 disasters灾难回顾) unit 3 society( 社会广角) ...

6.天灾人祸 Unit 11 Man Proposes,God Disposes 人算不如天算 239 Disasters 天灾人祸 240 Energy and Environment 能源环境 247 ...

7.各种自然灾害 ... 2.Customs( 中英风俗习惯) 3.Disasters( 各种自然灾害) 6.Plants and animals( 动植物…

8.灾祸 ovulation n. 排卵, 产卵作用 disasters n. 灾难, 天灾, 灾祸 intentional adj. 有意图的, 故意的 ...


1.Today, a combination of a strong Japanese yen, two natural disasters and strategic missteps, have made them among the most troubled.如今,坚挺的日圆、两场自然灾害再加上战略上的失误却让这两家公司成了麻烦最大的生产商。

2.How to deal with these sudden disasters and manage efficiently has been a very important issue to every government all over the world.如何应对危机并实施有效的管理,已成为摆在世界各国政府面前亟待解决的重大课题。

3.I've seen a lot of places around the world that have tried to recover from natural disasters, and there was a great attitude of cooperation.我去过世界各地许多试图从自然灾害中恢复的地方。这里有一种伟大的合作态度。

4.The economic impact of natural disasters is often short-pved.自然灾害对经济的影响通常是短期的。

5.In statistics alone, Katrina was one of the worst disasters to befall the United States.仅就统计来看,卡特里娜是降临在美国的最严重灾难之一。

6.All around the globe, the earth seems to be convulsing with natural disasters, lawle! ssness, wars and rumors of wars.在全地上,地球似乎经历著极大的震动,许多自然的灾祸,不法的事情,战争和战争的谣言等等。

7.'The hype around what India has achieved so far tends to set the stage potentially for some disasters, ' he said.他说,有关印度已经取得多大成就的炒作,往往可能为一些灾难埋下伏笔。

8.Similarly, the disasters have led to a rapprochement with Russia, with which relations have also been fraught over a territorial dispute.同样,这次灾难使日本与俄罗斯的关系也得到修好,两国的关系也是由于领土争端而始终不快。

9.The attempts of his secretary of homeland security to replace the word "terrorism" with "man-caused disasters" attracted much ridicule.他的国土安全部长尝试将“恐怖主义”一词替换为“人为灾难”的努力倍受奚落。

10.' More importantly, the run of disasters seems to have slowed down, which means solutions don't have to take just 48 hours.更重要的是,灾难蔓延的脚步似乎在放缓,意味着解决办法不必紧赶着出台。