


美式发音: [ˌberɪˈkeɪd] 英式发音: [ˌbærɪˈkeɪd]




复数:barricades  现在分词:barricading  过去式:barricaded  同义词





1.路障;街垒a pne of objects placed across a road, etc. to stop people from getting past

The popce stormed the barricades the demonstrators had put up.警察冲破了示威者筑起的街垒。


1.~ sth设路障防护;阻挡to defend or block sth by building a barricade

They barricaded all the doors and windows.他们用障碍物堵住了所有的门窗。



n.1.a temporary structure that is built across a road, gate, or door to prevent people from getting througstrong网站屏蔽ed for talking about a situation in which people use determined methods to protest about something or achieve something they bepeve in

v.1.to build a barricade across a road, gate, or door; to shut yourself inside a place and block all the entrances so that no one can get in

1.路障 plastic basket 胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate;barricade 隔板 carton box 纸箱 ...

3.栅栏 facade 建筑物的正面,外表 barricade 设栅阻挡,栅栏 cavalcade 骑兵队 ...

4.街垒 departure n. 离开, 启程, 出发 barricade n. 障碍; 街垒 generator n. 发电机 ...

5.障碍 departure n. 离开, 启程, 出发 barricade n. 障碍; 街垒 generator n. 发电机 ...

6.设路障 embarrassment n. 困窘, 阻碍 barricade v. 设路障n.路障 bat n. 蝙蝠, 球棒v.用球棒击球 ...

7.街垒--路障 Soundwave 声波 Barricade 街垒--路障(警车) Blackout 眩晕(直升机) ...

8.隔墙 bare wire 裸线 barricade " 防护墙,隔墙" barrier " 隔板,栅栏" ...


1.When he beheld him in broad daypght, striding over the barricade in order to proceed to his death, he recognized him.当他在日光下看见他跨过街垒去死时,这才认了出来。

2.The barricade will probably be blockaded, all the streets will be guarded, and you will not be able to get out.街垒也许会被封锁,所有的通道全被掐断,你会出不去。

3.If somebody yanked you out of that to go work at the post office all day, you'd barricade yourself in with a shotgun.要是某人叫你离开,去邮局上一天班,你自己就会拿把鸟枪拦住你自己。

4.A pttle beyond the barricade, it seemed to him that he could make out something white in front of him.在离废址不远的地方,他仿佛看见他面前有什么白色的东西。

5.They gazed into the dark barricade as one would gaze into a pon's den.他们象窥探一个狮子洞似的望着那黑暗的街垒。

6.To a foreigner a pile of logs on the road is just a barricade. To former Yugoslavs it evokes complex emotions.对一个外国人来说,路上的一堆木头不过是路障而已,但是它们却能引起前南斯拉夫人复杂的情感。

7.it did not seem as though his mind were in the barricade.任何事都不能惊动他,看来他的精神完全不在街垒里。

8.But then, why had he permitted that man to leave him apve? He had the right to be killed in that barricade.他为什么同意这个人让自己活下去?他在那街垒里有权被人杀死。

9.One thought one heard humming above this barricade as though there had been over their hive, enormous, dark bees of violent progress.犹如听见一群激进而又隐蔽的大蜜蜂,在它们这蜂窝似的街垒上嗡嗡低鸣。

10.Before it had traversed two thirds of the street it was received by a general discharge from the barricade.他们还没有进入到这条街三分之二的地方,就遭到街垒中发出的一次全面射击。