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复数:barricades  现在分词:barricading  过去式:barricaded  同义词






n.1.a temporary structure that is built across a road, gate, or door to prevent people from getting througstrong网站屏蔽ed for talking about a situation in which people use determined methods to protest about something or achieve something they bepeve in

v.1.to build a barricade across a road, gate, or door; to shut yourself inside a place and block all the entrances so that no one can get in

1.路障 婴儿换尿布台、安全座椅 Baby changing station 路障 Barricades 专业地垫 Mat ...

2.围栏路障 ... Fall Protection 坠落防护 1616 5.10 Barricades 围栏路障 1818 5.11 Signs and Tags 标志和标牌 1919 5.12 ...

3.马凳 ... 自助旅社 Youth hostel 马凳 Barricades 油桶 Drums ...

4.围杆 Healer & walkie talkie 广播机 Barricades 围杆 Bubble Machine 泡泡机器 ...


1.The news was that the mob had broken down the barricades and were even then preparing to storm the palace.传来的消息说暴民已经冲破了路障,正准备直捣宫廷。

2.In the old days, he would have been one of those storming the barricades in protest. Now he's part of the process.在从前,他会千方百计的阻挠抗议。现在,他却参与推动了这种权利倾斜。

3.Shooting was reported from some of the nearby villages, where barricades of burning tyres have been put up to try to block the advance.据报道,附近一些村庄枪击事件,那里设置了燃烧的轮胎作为路障,防止军队进一步推进。

4.Had destiny not placed him on these particular barricades he would almost surely not have mounted them on his own.若不是命运使他置身于这些特定的障碍之中,他几乎肯定不会主动地去越过这些障碍的。

5.So far, a heavy popce presence and a warren of barricades have kept protesters from holding serious protests on Wall Street.目前为止,大批警力和重重路障使抗议者难以在华尔街上举行成规模的抗议活动。

6.Checkpoints, armed guards, vans, mirrors, dogs, and retractable barricades now sealed off a two-block perimeter around the White House.如今,检查站,武装警卫,前哨,检查镜(查看车底有没有安装炸弹),警犬和可收缩的路障将白宫两条街之外的范围封锁起来。

7.He said there would be fewer tickets sold and stronger barricades in place to manage fans.这次发售的球票数量有所减少,还会放置更牢固的护以防止球迷骚乱。

8.The insurrection had abruptly built barricades with one hand, and with the other seized nearly all the posts of the garrison.那次起义,突然一手建起了街垒,一手几乎全部抓住了驻军的据点。

9.Because of that hopeful vision, because of Dr. King's moral imagination, barricades began to fall and bigotry began to fade.正是因为有了那个充满希望的构想,正是因为有金博士的道义憧憬,屏障才开始倒塌,偏见才开始消退。

10.Don't count on me to storm the barricades and take a stand or hold my ground. You'll never see any scars or wounds.不要指望我去冲破那些障碍,并明确坚持我的立常你不会看见任何伤口。