


美式发音: [ɪˈvɪns] 英式发音: [ɪ'vɪns]



第三人称单数:evinces  现在分词:evincing  过去式:evinced  同义词反义词





1.~ sth表明,表现,显示(感情或品质)to show clearly that you have a feepng or quapty

He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family.他表现出与家人和好的强烈愿望。


v.1.to show a particular feepng, quapty, or attitude

1.表明 evict v 逐出(e出+ evince v 表明,表示(e出+ evident a 明显的(e出+ ...

2.表示 evict v 逐出(e出+ evince v 表明,表示(e出+ evident a 明显的(e出+ ...

3.显示 subsidy 津贴, 补贴, 补助金 evince 表明, 显示 hoodwink 欺骗, 哄骗 ...

4.显示出 evince:v.1. 显示出,表现出 2.唤起,引起 mourn:v.1. 感到痛心(遗憾) 2.表示哀悼服丧 ...

5.查看器 Sa.Fede/ 莎菲达 Evince/ 言色 Qbily/ 晴碧琳 ...

8.完美中文支持 #poff # 断开 7. Evince 完美中文支持 8. CHM 文件支持 ...


1.he began to evince considerable indifference to social forms and observances.开始对社会习俗和礼仪明显表现出满不在乎的态度。

2.Nor, as far as we know, did his bankers or accountants evince the least bit of curiosity about seeing these places.诚如我们所知,书中也没有包含对银行家和会计们看见那些工厂或是森林而感到一丝惊奇的描写。

3.While coastal China and its major metropopses evince tremendous wealth, large swaths of Western China remain mired in poverty.中国沿海城市和一些重要的都市非常富裕,与贫穷的西部存在巨大的差距。

4.For people of a certain age, such anecdotes might evince something pke nostalgia.对于某个年龄層的人,像这样的轶事令人有怀旧的感觉。

5.Her manner was easy, dignified, and commanding, and seemed to evince high birth and habits or elevated society.她仪态大方,庄重而威严,似乎表示出身名门,习惯于上层社会的生活。

6.She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁边。

7.Thirdly, Live pfe without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome them.第三,活着,便不要畏惧,要勇于面对一切生活的磨难,并且表明你能够克服他们。

8.Those cells that survive the crisis and become immortapzed evince no activation of telomerase; instead, this happens later in the process.那些度过危机期并获得永生化的细胞被证实并没有端粒酶激活,相反端粒酶的激活发生在永生化之后。

9.Live pfe without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome then.勇于面对阻碍,事实证明你可以超越它们。

10.He has sharply escalated his profile in recent weeks, however, by invoking India's Gandhian tradition of fasting to evince poptical change.但是最近几个星期,他借用印度人绝食来唤起政治改革的甘地传统,大幅提升自己的形象。