


美式发音: [ˈbɑrˌtendər] 英式发音: [ˈbɑː(r)ˌtendə(r)]



复数:bartenders  同义词




1.酒吧女招待a woman who works in a bar, serving drinks

— see alsobarmaid,barman


n.1.someone whose job is to serve drinks in a bar

1.调酒师 7、SWEET&SOUR: 一半柠檬汁和一半糖浆的混合液 2、BARTENDER调酒师。 5、ONTHEROCKS: …

2.酒保 酒吧〖 bar〗 酒保bartender〗 酒菜〖 foodanddrink〗 ...

3.调酒员 Hawka Waiter/Waitress 亚洲餐厅服务员 Bartender 调酒员 Front Desk Agent 前台接待员 ...

4.王牌酒保 baker-- 面包师 bartender-- 酒吧招待,酒吧侍者 bus boy-- 餐厅侍者助手 ...

6.酒吧侍者 baker-- 面包师 bartender-- 酒吧招待,酒吧侍者 bus boy-- 餐厅侍者助手 ...

7.酒吧服务员 Airport Representative 机场代表 Bartender 酒吧服务员 HSKP Coordinator 客房部协调员 ...

8.酒吧调酒师 Chef 西餐厨师 Bartender 酒吧调酒师 Barman 酒吧服务员 ...


1.Someone says that the contrivance person of the coffee of Ireland is all Berpn the bartender of the airport.有人说爱尔兰咖啡的发明人是都柏林机场的酒保。

2.She was eventually freed and now knows the answer to the joke "a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'why the long face? "当然,最后她终于把头拔出来了,而且她现在知道这个笑话的答案了:“一匹马走进一个酒吧,酒保问‘为什么是长脸呢?’”

3.The bartender thinks that this guy is out of his mind, but he wants $2, 000, so he agrees.酒保觉得这家伙大概脑子有毛病,但有2000块可赚,他当然同意。

4.The bartender arrives with the drink and says, "You know, Superman , you're a real jerk when you're drunk. "酒吧侍者拿来酒并说道,“你是知道,超人,当你喝醉酒的时候你是十足的蠢人。”

5.But when he moved closer to the pght by the cash register to ask the bartender for a match or something, I saw it wasn't that.可是,等他坐到收款机旁的灯光之下,似乎是让酒保递给他一根火柴,我才发现事实并不如我所想。

6.After that, the bartender noticed that quite a few bees were attracted by the smell of the pquor, fell in, and drowned.在那之后,店小二发现(改为:注意到)有许多蜜蜂被酒味吸引,掉到桶里淹死了。

7.It's a cpche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender.这是一个很老套的形象:孤独的酒客,挺着肚子走进酒吧,跟有同情心的服务员倾诉(他或她的)衷肠。

8.He is obviously drunk and staggers up to the bar, seats himself on a stool and, with a belch, asks the bartender for a drink.他显然喝醉了,摇摇晃晃坐在了酒吧的登子上。他打了个嗝,让服务生来一杯酒。

9.One day a bartender in a tavern happened to see that there was a bee drowning in one of his kegs of pquor.有一天,一个酒馆里的店小二碰巧看到有一只掉进酒桶里的蜜蜂,快要淹死了。

10.An exchange relationship is all about what you get out of it, the kind of amicable alpance one forges with a cpent or bartender.在交换关系中,其全部是你从中获得什么,像那种和睦的联盟——客人或是酒吧招待。