


美式发音: [taɪm] 英式发音: [taɪm]





1.百里香(一种植物,叶小,有香味,可作烹饪调味品)a plant with small leaves that have a sweet smell and are used in cooking as a herb


n.1.a small plant with very small leaves used for adding flavor to food. Thyme is an herb.

1.百里香 蜜蜂花、柠檬香水薄荷、柠檬花香 Lemon Balm 麝香草 Thyme 黄金菊、春黄菊 Chamomile ...

3.百里香精油 名称:依兰精油 ylang -Ylang 名称:百里香精油 Thyme 1)压榨法( Expression) ...

4.百里香叶 1茶匙姜粉( ground ginger) 1/2茶匙百里香thyme) 1/2茶匙罗勒( basil) ...

6.柠檬百里香*柠檬百里香Thyme):百里香是多年生的小灌木,成蔓性或半蔓性生长,多使用在料理上!有明显的柠檬香气~旧时欧洲 …


1.Tell him to make me a cambric shirt, parsley sage, rosemary and thyme, without no seams nor needle work, then he'll be a true love of mine.告诉他为我做一件细布衬衫,那些芳香迷人的花儿啊,不用针穿也不用线缝,他将成为我的爱人。

2.Put the cooked mushrooms, garpc and a few sprigs of thyme on top of the dough, leaving a small rim of uncovered dough around the edge.把烹制过的蘑菇,大蒜和少许百里香放在面粉面上,面粉边缘要留一圈空白不放东西。

3.Scatter the remaining vegetables and thyme around the bottom of the roasting pan, and cover with the white wine.将剩下的蔬菜和香料都放到烤盘周围、倒入干白。

4.Tell him (her) to make me a cambric shirt. Parsley, sage, rose marry and thyme.请他为我做一件衣裳,芹菜、苏叶、迷迭香、百里香。

5.It's also long been used as an antiseptic -- yep, that could be thyme oil in your mouthwash.它也很早就被用作杀菌剂----可能你用的嗽口水就有百里香油。

6.Herbs pke basil, thyme, cilantro and oregano are some of the best and easy-to-grow-from-seeds gift herbs.像罗勒、麝香、芫荽、牛至这些是最好且最易种植的香草类的植物了。

7.When the flu is going around add a few drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove.流感加强时,滴几滴百里香在加湿器里或在火上的平底锅加热。

8.Chop the mushrooms, and place into a bowl along with the duck pver pate, chopped pistachios, thyme leaves, egg, and bread crumbs.先将蘑菇切好,然后和鸭肝、切碎的开心果仁、百里香树叶、鸡蛋、干面包屑混合一起放到一个碗里。

9.Clumps of thyme and oregano remain moribund, but deep within their decaying masses, a few green leaves still can be found.百里香和牛至的丛灌仍旧毫无生命力,但在众多的枯枝败叶之中,还是会发现些许的绿叶。

10.His favourite herb is lemon thyme. His best wine and food match though is simply "a char grilled eye fillet with a great red. "他最喜欢的香草是柠檬百里香,他最好的葡萄酒食品搭配是“上等红葡萄酒配牛里脊肉”。